-Part 16- Of Course

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  Age chart is unavailable at this time. Please reset mind.

  You awoke to small chatter.

  You slowly lifted your heavy head and opened your eyes.

  You glanced around.

  You were.. somewhere. Somewhere you've never been before.

  You were tied to a chair.

  And beside you, Toby sat, playing with a string on his hoodie sleeve.

  Your mind bursted with questions.

  "T-Toby" You whisper softly.

  "I-I'm sor-sorry, bu-But I won-won't spea-speak to a f-faker. I wa-want to see-see the r-real (Y-(Y/N)" He says coldly, not bothering to look up at you.

You glanced around again, only for your eyes to land on a cage made of... what looked like, glass shards.

Inside, a girl floated around. She looked just like you, but her eyes were a full, pale yellow.

You narrow your eyes.

"Toby. It's me, that girl over there is the faker" you whisper, looking back to him.

He glanced up at your eyes for a moment, before looking away.

You sigh softly and look around.

The room was dark with weapons hanging across the wall. Like a bigger tool shed.

The voices came from outside.

  As if on que, a lot of things happen on que, the door slams open.

  Black tendrils pierce through the air and wrap around Toby. He jumps, but doesn't do anything else.

  Three figures walk in front of you. One was a tall man, wearing a suit. The most disturbing thing was his face.... in fact... there was no face.

  Standing next to him, was the man from the void. The one with the horns. But you could see him better in this light.

  He was definitely not a man, more like a demon.

  The third figure, was the leader of the fairy's. They held a little staff in their chubby palms and looked around like a child would.

  "Children. Our plans have gone horribly wrong. Due to Toby's softness, we have allowed this demon to grow stronger" the man in the tall suit "says"

  You glance to Toby, his head low.

  "We have allowed (Y/N) to grow stronger" the demon corrects, making your eyes snap over to him.

  "So we will be trying this again!" The man shouts, pushing his hands together.

  "First, we get Anna" The demon purrs, glancing over to the girl in the cage.

  She lifts her head and gives a shrug.

  The fairy waddles over to her and slides through the bars of the cage.

  They smack her in the stomach with the little staff, making her cough.

  "HEY!! THATS NOT ERASING MY MIND YOU IDIOT!" She shouts, kicking at the fairy.

  The man in the suit watches with... disappointment?

  "You're... erasing our minds?" You ask, looking to the demon and the man.

  "Precisely, we will just start again!" The demon chirps.

  "...how many time have you done this before..?" You ask, shifting in your seat.

  "Hmm, four times now? Yeah, four times!" The demon chirps once more.

  "Each time SOMETHING went wrong! First time, we sent Jeff. He came back with you in his heart. Second time, we sent BEN. He came back, silent. You had talked to him, like a genuine conversation. You broke our best killer. Third time, we sent Masky. He came back, reporting that you were already dead. You had committed suicide! Fourth time! We have sent Toby. Toby has failed us." The demon purrs.

  You freeze then look over to Toby.

  He is quietly crying.

  "HEY, DIP SHITS, CAN YOU AT LEAST EXPLAIN WHY YOU NEED TO KILL HER?!" Anna shouts as the fairy beats her with the staff.

  "I can explain that one" The man says.

  "(Y/N) dear. You are too powerful for this world. Having you here will cause too many problems. We need one of the CreepyPastas to kill you, because when they do, they will obtain your power. Your "schizophrenia" will be ours" he explains, his tendrils tightening around Toby.

  "And all of our killers have fallen weak, especially this one. He thinks about you too much, dear. He has actually fallen for you" He hisses.

  Toby doesn't say anything.

  "One memory reversed a day!" The demon chirps, pulling a syringe from thin air.

  He walks over to the glass cage and stabs it into Anna's back.

  She falls down, screaming in pain.

  "There we go!!" The demon backs up.

  "Shall we go?" He asks, glancing to the man.

  The fairy rushes over and jumps onto the demons back.

  The man nods and walks out, letting go of Toby once they have locked the door they came from.
  "T-Toby...." You mutter, feeling hot tears sliding down your cheeks. You had kept this in.

  He looks to you.

  He stands, stumbling for a moment. He rips off his goggles and mouth guard.

  He grabs your face gently and smashes his lips onto yours. You freeze, but feel yourself lean into his palms.

  He pulls away and lies his head on your shoulder.
  "I-I'm so sorry... I s-should've.... kil-killed you.. so th-this didn't happ-happen" he murmurs.

You rest your head against his.

  "I'm sorry too... f-for... a-always pushing you away... I thought you were a hallucination" you whisper.

  "I-I'm sorr-sorry for l-lying to you... I j-just want-wanted to protect you som-somehow"

  "I really like you Toby... a-and I'll be glad to a-actually start things if we get out of here." You say with a weary smile.

  You hear him chuckle softly.

  "O-Of course.."

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now