-Part /7\- Gentle Clinks

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(Y/N): Seventeen years old
  Damien: Twenty years old
  Mark: Twenty-One years old
  ????: Twenty years old

  I walk through the halls of slender mansion, my hatches bouncing on my hips. My shoulders shake with ticks as I walk.

   As I pass by Jeff's door, it opens. He looks out to me.

  "Hey you cunt" he says, his raspy voice echoing softly in the hall.

  "What, you fu-fuck?" I shoot back, smirking.

  He narrows his eyes. "Why the fuck did you take so long on your mission with BEN?" He asks, leaning against his door frame.

  "B-BEN found a gir-rl and fl-flirted with her the-the whole miss-mission. I had to kil-kill the family of twe-twelve by myself" I explain, gently shrugging.

  Jeff rolls his dull blue eyes. I turn on my heels and continue walking. I jog down the stairs. I rush over to the couch and vault myself over it. I land next to Masky.

I stare at the screen, BEN was playing Call Of Duty. Which edition? I don't know. I glance over to Masky, whom is reading a book. I lift a hand and start poking his shoulder rapidly.

"H-Hey Mas-Masky. He-Hey Masky. H-Hey Mask-Masky. Hey M-Masky. He-Hey Ma-Masky. H-Hey M-Masky. Hey M-Masky. H-Hey M-M-M-M-M" I freeze, "FUCK".

Masky looks to me. He looks back to his book. I scoff and slide off the couch. I wander into the kitchen. I reach up into the freezer and grab a waffle from the Eggo box. I throw it at the toaster and grab three more.

I walk over and push them into the toaster. I push the handle down. I stare at it, ticking softly. The waffles shoot up and I snatch them. I walk towards the stairs, my mouth guard already down and a waffle close to my lips.

Before I can eat the waffle, a heavy door opens. We all knew that was Slender's door. I glance over, his door was close to the stairs.

He "looks" to me.

"Toby, my office, now" He "says"

I stuff another waffle into my mouth and follow behind him. I pull his door shut behind me and drop down in his chair. I don't sit on my ass, instead I sit in the chair, in a crouched position on my feet. I love sitting like this.

Slender stares at me blankly.

I slowly sit down correctly.

He shakes his head, "You've got a new mission"

He grabs a paper from his file cabinet and slides it towards me. I grab it and stare at the name.

"(Y/N) Benjamin Devins. She's seventeen and lives in Old Oak neighborhood. Her house is a pale yellow with a red door. Old Oak neighborhood, Jallace Street, 1607" Slender reads the paper for me, as if he memorized it.

I ponder to myself. Why her? She doesn't seem... like she has done anything.

  "She witnessed your fire" he starts, making me freeze.

  "Basically, we need her taken out before she can relay any information on the fire"

  "But oth-other pe-people saw t-the fi-fire t-too!" I hiss, I really wasn't seeing a reason behind this! Anger bubbled inside me. "An-And tha-that wa-was f-five yea-years ago!!" I shout, my ticks getting closer together.

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now