-Part 18- Shots

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I stare at (Y/N), my heart pounding. I let out a small sigh as I go over everything in my head.

Yesterday, Zalgo dropped the syringes.

So we got an extra day.

An extra day to remember each other.

An extra day to try to fix things

An extra day

We can't get out of here. Slender would kill us in an instant.

Why hasn't anything happened? Is this our punishment? Waiting to suffer? The time feels slow, like wet sand sliding down a shovel in the soil. I love (Y/N) more than I can say, is THAT the punishment? Are they going to take her memory and leave me with mine? So my guilt eats me from the inside out?

Not even Slender would do that


I push my fingers through my hair, ticking rapidly. I try to stand, and fail.

I scoff at myself and just scoot away from (Y/N)

I rest my forehead on my knees, waiting for these cursed ticks to pass.

I shut my eyes tightly and pull my knees closer to my chest.

I bite the inside of my cheek... or... at least I try. Wrong cheek. I bite on my other cheek.

I hear (Y/N) shuffle, which causes my body to jolt. Either that or my fucking ticks

I glance up through my hair.

She is sitting up, stretching her arms.

I push farther into the darkness, since the only light in the room was a small lightbulb in the middle of the room.

Just go away!!

I grip my head, my ticks only becoming worse. I start letting out small gasps and whimpers, my neck beginning to crack.

I hate this more than I hate Masky

I feel the floor vibrate with (Y/N)'s panicked footsteps, either that or my ticking has gotten that bad.

A hand rests on my arm.

Nope, (Y/N)

She gently pets my hair. I use all my might to look up at her. I don't even see her whole face before I tick and my neck cracks. She jumps, but doesn't move away from me.

I hiss and put my head back onto my knees.

She sits next to me, gently petting my hair to try to comfort me.

Maybe ten minutes later, my ticks begin to suppress.

I set my head on (Y/N)'s shoulder, blinking away small tears in my eyes. She hugs me gently and rubs small circles in my back.

I sniffle and glance up at her. She looks down at me, making my heart flip.

"I want to start something with you, when we get out of here" she murmurs.

I give an empty chuckle. "(Y/N-(Y/N), yo-you alread-already tol-told me t-that"

She stares at me, pure confusion on her face. "I did..?"

"Ye-Yeah, tw-two days ago" I mutter.

She blinks a couple of times before lying her head on my shoulder.

She doesn't say anything else.


You begin to tear up, footsteps echoing outside. The footsteps were heavy. Like muddy boots stomping throughout the hallway.

Every time someone passed the door, you had a mini heart attack. You'd usually hug Toby and just wait for them to pass. Currently, he was busy. Instead, you rest your forehead on your knees and try to hum to block out the sound. Sadly, things got worse when you tried to do that. Your mind went black as syringe flashed through your eyes. Your heart fell from its place and sunk into your stomach.

Toby, whom is sharpening his hatchet with another hatchet, is all the way across the room.

It's strange how Slender locked us in a room with weapons

You stood and slowly stumbled your way over to him. Once you get close enough, you throw your arms around him. "It's a-about to happen" You mutter.

"Wh-What?" He asks, glancing down to you.

"My m-memory, Toby...." you look up at him, tears sparking in your eyes.

He drops the hatchets, making you jump so they didn't hit your feet.

He pulls you into a tight hug, then pecks your forehead. You hug back and allow some tears slide out of your eyes.

The door flew open, the pounding footsteps of, whom you presumed to be Slender, shaking you to your very core.

You felt time slow down as you looked back.

You really wished you hadn't

A tall man with a black hoodie, dark blue mask, and a syringe in his palm, was charging at you.

You felt Toby shove you away from him as he rushed to the man. Black began to cloud your vision.

You couldn't see what was happening.

You were grateful for that.

Shouts filled your ears as you felt your body fall onto the cold floor. Some more footsteps. Another shout, this one seemed to be from the man. A loud thud. A small whisper, then a painful shout from Toby.

You tried to curl up, tried to move, yet your body was unresponsive. The same pain shot through your body, burning each nerve as it crept up to your neck.

You felt your head begin to pound, yet you couldn't let out any whimpers.

The same chanting

All over again

It was like you were six again

You felt something push into your neck. Like a flaming nail. You felt a liquid push through your veins. Like a cold push of led. Then a whisper. A deep, raspy, voice.

"Old Barn Road. 1209"

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now