-Part 11- Feelings

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( This is a non edited chapter!! )

(Y/N): Seventeen years old
  Damien: Twenty years old
  Mark: Twenty-One years old
  Toby: Twenty years old

  You're stomach ached as you walked home from school.

  While rushing to your next period, you ran into a band student. His tuba fell onto your stomach, causing a shit ton of pain and bruising.

  You shudder at the thought of the case hitting your stomach. How does he even carry that thing? You lifted your uniform shirt as you walk, glancing down to observe your stomach.

  You were walking home on a forest trail, no one could see!

  Or... that's what you thought... stupidly I might add. That's a really stupid idea, (Y/N)

  Suddenly, a man swings down from a branch not to far away from you.

  You shriek and drop your shirt. I can't run, please don't chase me

  You quickly relaxed when you saw orange goggles on his face.

  He seemed frozen, not laughing like how he usually would. So you decided to speak first.

  "Don't do that! You dick!" You shout, folding your arms over your chest.

  Toby stares at you, speechless.

  You scoff and roll your eyes. You walk over and YANK him down from the tree.

  He falls with a "oof" and quickly bounces up.

  "H-How was-was you-your day a-at schoo-school" he asks as you begin walking again.

"It was good, I guess. Seth dropped his tuba on me on accident" You murmur.

"Th-That's why-why yo-you hav-have bruises on-on you-your stomach" he says, his mouth formed into a "O"

  You nod in agreement.

  The walk home was filled with Toby's ticks and twigs snapping as you two walked.

  About a mile from your house, Toby slide his hand into yours.

  You didn't think anything about it, Damien and Mark showed this type of affection.

  But what was different. What really made you pause and think.  Was Toby's lips pressing to your left cheek.

  You froze in the path, causing him to stumble since your hands were still linked.

  You shut your eyes tightly.

  Go away go away go away go away!!

  Your thoughts became actual words.

  "G-Go away!! Go away go away go away go away!! P-P-Please!" You scream, tears starting to slide down your cheeks.

  Toby stares, his heart pounding with worry.

  "I c-can't fall f-f-for a hallucination!! I c-can't I can't I c-can't!!" You screech as you fall to your knees.

  Toby's heart sank with realization. He had completely forgotten about your schizophrenia. You acted like nothing bothered you, as if random things didn't pop up all the time.

  He slowly backed up before bolting back to the mansion.

  You slowly cracked open your eyes, panting softly.

  You felt yourself become sleepy, that usually meant you were going to visit Rodgers.

  Not right now... I can't pass out in the forest

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now