-Part 15- Waffle?

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  (Y/N): Seventeen years old
Damien: Twenty years old
Mark: Twenty-One years old
Toby: Twenty years old

  I stare at (Y/N), feeling guilt bubble in my stomach as my ticks shake my whole body. Why the fuck would I ever feel so uncomfortable around her?! Ever since I found her on the street, she has been acting different. But... maybe she's starting to like me back.

  I sigh softly and push my hand through my messy hair. I stare on her as she sleeps peacefully on her bed.

  After that random ass knife flew into her back, I took her away from the mansion. No one was home at the time, so I brought her there to maybe... get her to join us or something?? I... really don't know.

  Her shuffles under her covers make me snap out of my thoughts.

  I look over at her, feeling a smile rise onto my face. She smiled back, making my stomach flip.

  I stand from her desk chair and walk over to her side. I help her sit up, keeping my hand on her back.

  "H-How are yo-you feel-feeling Waffle?" I ask softly, sitting next to her

  "Better..." she murmurs, lying her head on my shoulder.

  I pull my mouth guard down a bit and peck her forehead before pulling it back up. She doesn't react... for some strange reason.

  I rub her back gently, happily sitting in this soft silence.

  "Toby" She asks.

  I hum in response.

  "Stay here" She says as she crawls out from under her sheets.

  She walks out of the room, giving me some time to think.

  I lean against her bed board and set my hands behind my head, trying to piece together why she was acting strangely. As if.... she had grown confident?

  I jolt out of my thoughts, hearing glass clink together.

  I look over to her, my eyes widening at the beer bottles in her hands.

  She's already chugging one.

  My heart begins to pound as my ticks become rapid.

  She tosses the bottle onto her hard wood, not flinching when it shatters.

  In a swift movement, she was on my lap.

  I stare at her, unable to move. Something paralyzed me. Fuck no, not fear... something else. Egg plant juices? No, this isn't turning me on. In fact, it's turning me OFF.

  She gently tugs at my mouth guard, her pale yellow eyes glazed over with... lust.

  If I could become more rigid, I would've.

  I shove her off and bolt out the window, soaring across her backyard and leaping over the fence.

  As I run, my heart pounds in my ears, my feet ache, and two thoughts echo in my head.

  (Y/N) told me she hated the taste of alcohol and stayed away from it

  And, a big fucking red flag! (Y/N)'s eyes aren't a pale yellow... they're a (e-

A scream rips me away from my thoughts, making me glance back at (Y/N)'s house.

Static seems to fill my head before my vision could focus. I feel something being placed on my shoulder. Then.. I black out.


You stare at this demon man, before shutting your eyes tightly.

You imagine a hatchet.

It drops into your palms and you open your eyes again.

You grip the handle and hold it close to your chest, glaring at this man.

He floats over to you and drops down into a sitting position.

"Hello dearie" He purrs, making you shudder.

"Where's Rodgers?" You demand, gripping the hatchet tighter.

"Aww, no introductions?" He starts to float on his back "That's fine, I already know everything about you"

You resist the urge to tense up at his comment, then ask again. "where's Rodgers?"

"Jeez, no one has ever wanted to see Rodgers so much!" He shouts with a wide smirk.

"But ok~"

He snaps his fingers. On que, you see Rodgers, hugging her limp body.

"Why... is he alive and in my bedroom...? what about the girl that possessed me?! A-And why is she covered in glass?!" Your shout

"Ah, Ah, Ah! Too many questions! Those will have to wait until you see me again" he purrs.

"Wa-" you start, but you feel yourself falling back.


Rodgers stared at (Y/N)'s body, curled up into his arms.

Glass poked out of her foot, palms, and left cheek.

Blood dripped from every wound.

But Rodgers can't do anything, it's taking all his might to just BE here.

He reaches up and gently lifts her eyelid, only to her eye rolling down a bit. He sees a spec of (e/c), making relief wash over him.

He curls up next to her, watching her chest rise and fall slowly.

Just as his eyes were beginning to shut, (Y/N)'s snapped open.

She jolted up and glanced around.

Before she could even say anything, she seemed to recoil in pain. She grips her head and lets out a scream, making Rodger's stomach drop.

She soon drops back onto the floor, unconscious

A black tendril slides in through her window.

It curls around her leg and disappears with her

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now