-Part 2- Three Years Since

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(Y/N): Nine years old
Damien: Eleven years old
????: Thirteen years old
????: Eleven years old

It's been three years since you've met Damien. Currently, your sitting in your backyard. You're talking to Damien while filling in a homework sheet.

"Do you have a brother too?" You ask, the topic being on your older brother, Alex.

Damien smiles, "Yeah, his name is Mark" Damien rolls into his back and stares up at the sky.

"Can I meet him?!" You ask, looking to him with wide eyes. He looks over.

"Dunno.... he doesn't really like people" Damien murmurs, looking back to the sky so he wouldn't have to see your sad expression.

You pout. "C'mon Damien!! Please please please please please please" You continue to repeat Please, until Damien rolls over and covers your mouth.

"Yeah yeah, fine. Just stop it" he mumbles with a smile. You smile widely and continue to work on your sheet.

"What's he look like?" You ask.

"Taller than me, he's 13. He has dark brown hair, yellow eyes, and caramel skin" Damien says, allowing you to shut your eyes and imagine Mark.

"It doesn't sound like you two are related." You point out. The difference between skin color was what you were basing this off of.

"Eh, we actually aren't. But we're close enough to be siblings" Damien explains, rolling over onto his side.

You nod, closing your eyes. You lie down in the grass. "I wanna meet him" You mutter.

"You'll meet him soon enough" Damien says as he looks back at the sky.

  You hear the back door open. Before you look to the back door, you glance to Damien. He is already gone. You sit up and look to the back door, starring at your father.

  "Hey pumpkin, who ya talking to?" He asks as he walks over.

  You stand with your work and pencil. "A squirrel"

  He smiles. "Ah, my animal charmer"

  You smile back and walk inside with him. You set your work back into your book bag and dash upstairs. You open your bedroom door and run over to your bed, leaping onto it. You snuggle into your sheets and sigh softly.

  You feel your eyes become heavy as you shut them in response. You feel your body relax. You quickly doze off.


I wander around the small neighborhood, grunting softly. I reach up and rub the corner of my mouth, pulling down my hand and glancing to my finger tips. Some blood was smeared on them. I wipe my hand on my jeans and continue to walk.

I look around, starring at each house. My eyes fall upon one that I don't remember seeing before. It was a one story house, painted pale yellow. They painted their front door a nice red. I smile a bit. The house seemed so cozy. Cozier than mine at least. I chuckle to myself.

Just as I'm about to leave, I hear the front door open. I look back to see a man leading a girl to his truck. The girl's (h/c) hair was bouncing gently on her shoulders as she skipped. She was most likely 8.

I give a small wave to them so I didn't seem suspicious. The father glances up and waves back. I smile and turn on my heels. I start waking back to my house, feeling a bit better.


You slept soundly in your warm bed, your hair in a neat braid. After you and your father went out for some dinner, your father braided your hair for you. For some reason, he got it done quicker and easier than your mother had. And his braid looked way better than hers! That's off topic

You suddenly awoke to gentle tapping on the edge of your bed frame. You shoot up and look over, only to see Damien leaning over your bed frame. He has the same stupid smile on his face. You brighten up and reach over to your lamp.

As you turn on the lamp, you take a glance to your alarm clock. It read "3:07 AM". You look back to Damien.

"Did you bring Mark?" You ask, looking behind him.

Damien chuckles and shakes his head. "I think it'll be better if you meet him when your older. He's not as nice as me and I don't want your feelings to get hurt by him"

You 'aww' but agree, you were aware of how sensitive you were.

Damien pulls out a DVD case, the title read "The Iron Giant". "Ready for movie night?" He asks. You nod quickly and slide out of bed. You sit down against your bed frame and look to Damien. He is pushing the movie into your small tv.

Since your parents only had a tv in their room, they decided to buy you one so you could binge cartoons in your own room. You were very happy with their decision.

You've met a new character!
  Age chart has been updated!
(Y/N): Nine years old
Damien: Eleven years old
Mark: Thirteen years old
????: Eleven years old

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now