-Part 6- Shining Blades

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(Y/N): Fourteen years old
  Damien: Seventeen years old
  Mark: Eighteen years old
  ????: Seventeen years old

  You walk down the street, your head low. You gently kicked a pebble as you walked. You glanced up as you approach a small diner. You turn and step inside, listening to the front door bell chime.

  You inhaled the scent of burgers. You walk over to a seat and set yourself. You grab a menu sitting on the table and open it.

  You start to scan it's contents, trying to find a burger your dad would like. You hear the sound of wheels hitting the floor. You glance up to see a waitress skating over, holding a notepad. You smile at her roller skates. This was the best restaurant.

  "Have you decided what you like? Or just drinks?" She asks with a bright smile.

  "Ah, a number 3 combo, a chocolate  shake, and a water please. To go" You say, setting down the menu.

  She wrote your order down. "Ok honey! I'll be right out with that!" And with that, she skated away.

  You glanced around, enjoying the pictures they hung around the diner. As you were reading a newspaper they put up, something struck you.

  You felt, something. Something didn't feel right. You set your face in your palms and shut your eyes tightly. The image of two shining blades flashed in your head.

   You shot up.

  You followed to feeling with speed, grabbing your pocket knife from your... well.. your pocket. You walked through the kitchen, the cooks freezing. One grabbed your arm, but before she could scold you, a shriek ringed in your ears.

  You could tell this wasn't a mind trick, they reacted. You raced to the back room and kicked it open. You saw the waitress that had taken your order on the floor, and the window shattered.

You help her up and glance out the window. She sobbed and rushed out. You felt your stomach churn as you starred at the forest, a good hundred feet away from the diner.


  Footsteps pounded towards the door. Just as I was about to get the work done! I grip my hatchet and raise it, but before I could slam it down, the door flung open.

I immediately dashed out, throwing myself onto the roof. I pant softly, my shoulders shaking with soft ticks. I heard the waitress sob and her footsteps lead away.

  She saw me, I had to finish this before I could leave.

  I dash to the other side of the roof once I had regained my breath. I stare at her as she climbs into her truck. I grunt softly, the grunt being cut off by a tick. She speeds off.

  I dig in my pocket and grab a paper. I unfold it and slide down the sign on the roof. I skim over its contents. I stopped when I saw her location, under her description.

  I reach up and remove my goggles. I set them behind the sign, adding my mouth guard and gloves. I stand and remove my hoodie.

  I set it on top of my stuff and sigh softly. It adjust my turtleneck's sleeves as I walk to the side of the roof. I slide off, landing with a small thud. I tick softly as I lean against the wall. I ruffle my hair in front of my eyes, glancing around for something to keep it down with. My eyes land on a case of water bottles sitting next to a dumpster.
  I walk over and rip one out.
I pop the cap off and lean forward.

Prepare yourselves, fangirls, Moist Toby has appeared. Just because I love y'all

((at the time I'm writing this, I only have seven views. Just preparing for the future))

I shall put this as No Ones POV so you get a full description

~No Ones POV~

The boy leaned over and poured the water into his hair. He winced visibly at the cold water. He dropped the bottle and swung his head up, drops of water flinging through the hair.

He ruffled his hair around, water sliding down his face. He glanced around, his eyes landing on a back window. He saw a faint reflection of himself.

He gave his signature smirk to his reflection, holding some of his hair up like a fuck boy.

I start laughing wildly, letting go of my hair. I shake my head to get some extra water out. I tick, my shoulders shaking softly. I walk out from behind the building and to the road, ready to ask someone to drive me to that waitress' neighborhood.


"I d-don't know how I k-knew! I-it's insane!! I-I'm so scared, I d-don't wanna be able to t-t-tell the future!!" You shouted, pacing in the dark void.

The blonde man rolled his eyes, his arms crossed. He pulled a Mark.

"(Y/N), calm the fuck down. Think of how you could use his to your advantage!!" He shouts, floating towards her and grabbing her shoulders firmly.

"I-I just want to be normal!!" You shout, feeling yourself break down.

You throw your head into his chest and start sobbing. He freezes for a moment before gently patting your hair. He feels his heart swell. The way her body shook with her sobs... reminded him of his son.

He hugged back, shutting his eyes tightly.

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now