-Part 17- Lucky

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  The rest of the day, that eventually led to night, you and Toby talked together. There was a clock on the wall, so you got the time. He helped you get your hands untied so you two could actually touch each other. You two stayed in each others arms, Toby's head always resting on top of yours.

  There was moments of comfortable silence, but then moments of soft laughter.  

  Toby told you about his childhood, his abusive dad (which he didn't describe for some reason), his sisters accident, everything.

  You did the same, told him about your first vision, Damien and Mark, the years after, and that one day you drew Jerid.


Currently, you are sitting on the floor with Toby's head resting on your lap.

  You pet his soft hair, murmuring to him about your favorite movie and why.

  The door opens, making you and Toby bolt away from each other, as if you two were kissing and a parent had just a walked in.

You glance back, watching as the man, (which was actually named Slenderman) the demon, and the leader fairy walk in.

Slender pulls out a syringe.

Your eyes widened as you watched him creep closer. You felt tears prick in your eyes, then blink them away as you look to Toby.

He lifts his head and gives you a weary smile. You try to smile back, but you end up bursting into tears.

  He rushes to you and pulls you into his arms, despite the three "bosses" watching you.

  He rubs your back, whispering "sh" to you. Your cries turn into sobs. You feel him bury his head into the crook of your neck, signaling he was starting to tear up as well.

  You hear glass shatter, making you jump and look over at the three.

  The demon was starring at two broken syringes on the floor, the liquid in them gushing out.

  "ZALGO YOU IDIOT!" Slender screeches, his tendrils waving.

  The demon, or Zalgo, gives a sheepish smile. "S-Sorry Slender, I'll get EJ to make two new ones" he stutters as he bolts out.

  Slender turns to you and Toby, before sighing.

  "You are lucky, you two have another day together" he mutters as he walks out, the fairy waddling behind him.

  You looked back to Toby.

  He gave you the widest smile ever and pulled you closer to his chest. You hug him tighter, letting out giggles of relief.


  I pant as I rush down the hallway.

  I skid to a stop and slide into EJ's room.

  I shut it behind me, then glance to him.

  "What do you want?" He says, clearly working on something.

  "O-Ok so.... you don't need to know the whole story, just whip me up two syringes that'll knock a person out for... dunno.... three days? Also, it needs to be the same color of the memory erasing stuff" I pant.

  He looks back at me, most likely confused under his mask.

  "You want me to make decoy syringes because you're taking pity on (Y/N) and Toby?" He asks.

  "Uh, Yeah.. actually"

  "Typical" He mutters as he turns around.

  "What will you give me?" He asks.

  "Uhm... whatever you want?" I say sheepishly

  "I want unlimited kidneys, and a year supply of medical tools"


  "Expect your decoys tomorrow morning"

  I give a big smile and rush out, only to hit another door.


  You lie your head on Toby's chest, listening to his heart beat.

  You glance up at him, to see him asleep. You reach up and gently stroke his cheek, then trail your fingers down to the torn part of his cheek.

It was a little scary, and it seemed uncomfortable. But Toby didn't seem to mind

You sigh softly and lie your head back onto his chest, soothed by the soft rhythm of his ticks.

One every seven seconds.

Yes, you counted. Why not?

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now