-Part 13- Her

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(Y/N): Seventeen years old
  Damien: Twenty years old
  Mark: Twenty-One years old
  Toby: Twenty years old

Your head throbbed as you floated in the empty void.

Sobs echoed around you

You jolt up, panting loudly.

"D-DAMIEN!!" You shout, your voice ringing in the abyss.

You hold your chest, trying to calm down.

Pain struck from your stomach and shot up, causing you to screech in pain.

You fall forward and hug yourself.

"R-RODGERS! DAMIEN!! T-TOBY! MARK!!" You shout out desperately.

You burst into sobs, the pain shaking your whole body.

Your name echos around you as you screech.

You feel little hands grip your arms, you're pinned by these weights. You look the through the tears pouring out of your eyes, only to see a little figure crawling on top of you.

The figure, or should I say fairy, was like all the others, but the purple was replaced with yellow and there was a crown placed upon its head. A crown of sticks and yellow pebbles.

They raise a hand and the burning sensation fades, but you still feel sore as all hell.

The leader, your guessing, presses their chubby hand to your face. They shut their eyes and lean forward.

They inhale and start chanting, making a larger pain shoot through your body.

You scream in agony, feeling their hands pat your arms and legs.

"R-RODGERS!" You screech out.

You shut your eyes tightly, sobbing loudly.

  You open your eyes, expecting to see the fairy sitting on top of you. But what you see, makes you freeze.

   You're floating above your own body. The fairy's let go of your body, and the leader hops off.

  You watch yourself sit up. You watch as you reach up and rub your eyes. You gasp, feeling it even though you're out of your body.

  You, on the floor, opens her eyes. Instead of her eyes being (e/c), they're a pale yellow.

  She stands and pops her back. She stretches and curls her fingers, smirking softly.

  You fly down and wave your hand in front of her. "H-HEY!"

  She glances up at you and slaps herself. You feel a sting in your cheek, and she doesn't seem to be affected.

  You whimper, reaching up to set your hand on your face.

  "You're a twig" is all she says.

  Her eyes shut and she falls back, making you tumble down with her.

  You awake, jumping up.

  You feel your head push through the roof as you jump. You pull your head down and glance around. You're lying across some ceiling fan blades, causally to be honest.

  You look around the room. It's a dark room, with a cracked open closet and a lamp on the nightstand. Next to the closet, is a door. Probably a bathroom.  You float over and poke your head through the door.  Your attacked by steam. You glance around, then spot orange goggles on the sink.

  Your eyes widen as you glance towards the shower. The water shuts off and you scramble away from the door.

  You pant, a hand on your chest.

  You slowly float back from the door and look at the bed.

  She's sitting up, rubbing her eyes and yawning. She looks up at you, then smirks widely.

  "G-Get out my body!!" You shout, finally feeling the urge to say something.

  She chuckles darkly. "Nope, it's mine now toots"

  She stands and stretches, popping her bones.

  "Ya know where we are?" She asks as she looks around. She walks over to the door next to the closet.

  "N-NO DON-" you start, trying to pull her away from the door.

  She pushes it open. A screech is heard she pulls it shut.

  "Well damn, ok" she murmurs.

  You look around the room, shaking. "W-Why!! Why are you in MY body?!" You shout to her.

  "Jeez! Stop yelling, you whiney bitch!" She shoots back.

  "G-GIVE ME BACK MY BODY!" You screech.

  The door opens, steam flowing out.

  "I u-uhm.... sor-sorry" Toby murmurs. His hair was damp, his mouth guard was on, and he wore a black turtleneck with some sweats.

  "Why ya saying sorry?" She asks, looking up at him.

  "T-Toby!! Toby!" You shout, flying in front of him.

  You snap in his face.

  "(Y/N), he can't see you, no one can" She hisses under her breath.

  "H-Hm?" Toby hums.

  "Nuthin!" She chirps happily.

  Anger bubbles up inside of you.  You soar out of the room and down a hall. You start calling out, to anyone really. You slam into someone's chest.

  You look up, Rodgers starring down at you.

  "(Y/N)!" He says happily, but his mood quickly changes.

  "Why... are you here? Why are you a spirit?" He asks, looking around.

  "I d-don't know!!" You shout, hugging him tightly.

  "T-This... t-the fairy's... m-my body... T-Toby" You murmur, beginning to break into sobs and hiccups.

  Rodgers rubs you back, hugging back.

  He plants a kiss on your forehead. "Calm down... mkay?" He mutters

  You nod, wiping your face gently.

  He starts floating down the hall, seeming to listen to something.

  You stay silent, resting in his arms.

  He stops and glances to a door. "42" he mutters, more to himself than you.

  He floats through the door, then freezes.

  You glance back.

  You see Toby on his bed, hugging her as she sobs into his chest.

  He is rubbing her back as she weeps.

  Rodgers seems to stiffen.

  You push away from him and soar over to them. You start pulling on her shoulders.

  "G-GET OFF!" You screech.

  She doesn't react.

  Rodgers pulls you back, hugging you tightly.

  You burst into sobs, then turn and throw your face into his chest.

  "We're going to explain everything, ok? You get some rest though" He mutters as he rubs your back.

  You continue to sob, but it eventually dies down into small hiccups.

-Just Another Friend- A Ticci Toby x Reader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now