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I knocked on the door of the Jahan's. I prayed to God that Harif doesn't opened it.I don't think I can face him especially after what happened between us the last time I saw him. I take deep breaths and hear someone approaching. Plastering a smile on my face the door opened and I was staring into the eyes of the man I wanted to avoid at all costs.


To say he was shocked to see me was an understatement but the bastard hid it well. He's always good at concealing his feelings. He has this haughty air about him and if he wasn't so fucking good looking and if I wasn't so damn in love with him I would have punched the haughtiness out of him.

Arrogant fucker.!!

"Natasha.What a surprise!.How may I help you?" He folded his arms and just stood in the doorway as if he fucking owned the place. He has his own place but still has a room in his parent's home. Even Medina who lives next door does. God how I envy them all for their closeness.

"Well you can step aside for a start as I've come here to see Uncle Jahan, Mamma and Sarina."

I reply with a bit of attitude.

I don't know why but he always get under my skin. I fucking hate it..but that's never gonna change.I've been in love with him aslong as I can remember. I know it and the fucker knows it too. Well he didn't.. but last week changed everything.

Shit..I don't want to think about that.

"Well do come in..Abu Jan and Mamma are in the living room but Sarina I'm afraid has gone out". He then steps aside to let me pass.

I enter and make a show of not touching him. He notices and his lips twitch.

Fucker, better not be fucking finding this funny.

"Thank You Dr Harif!'' I emphasises the Dr Deliberately.

It pisses him off when I call him that as I sound so patronizing and believe me I do... I love his reaction..flared nostrils..(A Jahan trait) and the clenching of his Jaw.

Making my way to the Living room I can't help but be aware of him behind me. He has this affect on me and as much as I hate it I also love it. It makes me feel sexy as fuck as I know that he's probably checking me out. I can't help but smirk. Dr Harif may not have feelings for me but he sure the hell loves checking me out lately for the past few years since he has been back from his studies.

I enter the room and I see two of my favourite people in the whole world sitting next to each other watching the Pakistani news channel. I roll my eyes and smile.

"Uh miserable news from Pakistan! . Uncle Jahan you make my poor Mamma watch this with this what you call romantic time". I stand in the doorway with my hands on my hips.

They both look across at me and I see the smile appear on their faces. God I love them. They always make me feel welcome..feel loved ..unlike their bloody son.

"They both get up and I walk up to them. I hug Uncle Jahan and he taps me on the head a few times in a fatherly gesture then I melt into Mamma's arms. She puts her arms around me and I feel as if I'm home.

Mamma's arms always had that effect on me. She makes me feel so special. She's what I've always wanted in a mother. I blink back the stupid tears.. .shit.. soon I'm crying. She just holds on to me and lets me cry.

When I've finally collected myself she leads me up to the sofa and she sits me with her putting her arms around me.

"Tasha Loohri..What's the matter?..why you so sad?." Mamma wipes away my tears using her Hijab.

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