Chapter nineteen

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I look at myself in the mirror and Damn I love the woman staring back at me. Well confidence has never been an issue with me. I guess I have my delightful mother to thank for that. Come to think of it... It’s the only good thing she has ever given me. Refusing to think about the woman any further I look at myself again and I smile at Medina, Sarina and Kelly behind me.

My darling Kelly decided to surprise us literally by making her usual last minute appearance last night. That girl will be late for her own wedding.

“Beautiful. Just utterly beautiful”. Kelly appraises me, with tears in her eyes.

“Er, don’t you dare start crying Kelly! I refuse to spoil my makeup, plus I've had enough of crying for the past few days”. Using my hands to fan my face... to prevent the tears from if that would help.

“No silly, we are only crying happy tears today. Look at you?”. She leans towards me and as usual the four of us join in for a huge hug. I miss sophie, but we will be facetiming later.

“My brother is one lucky man. I can't wait to see the look on his face when he sees you baby girl.” Medina pecks me on the cheek, eyes shimmering with emotion.

“Neither can I. Damn , that man is all I’ve been thinking about these last few days.” I reply happily. My tummy clenches at the mere thought of him. We have been behaving and have avoided seeing each other for the last couple of days.

God, The anticipation is killing me. 

“Umm hmm. Well keep most of those thoughts to yourself, young lady. Who knows what goes through your mind when our brother is involved.” Sarina nudges me and throws me a playful glare...which results in silly laughter.

“Okay.” I turn towards the mirror again to take one last look at the woman known as Natasha Alicia Jackson. I bid her goodbye for the last time,the moment is bittersweet and I turned around just in time as Mamma walks through the door to receive me. She looks stunning as always, as the dark green salwar kameez she's wearing compliments her emerald green eyes so beautifully. 

“Ma Sha Allah. What a beauty. Ma sha Allah my dear you look absolutely breathtaking. “ She closes the distance between us and engulfs me gently in her arms, pulling away to kiss both of my cheeks.

“Thank you Mamma, but I think the only stunning one here is you. How can My Abu Jan resist you walking around like that?” I love the blush that quickly adorns her cheeks as the girls laugh at her reaction.

“Now , now Tasha loohri. You will keep quiet and not say those kinds of things in front of your Abu Jan. You know how he gets and they’ll be no stopping him.” A flustered Mamma is such a sight as she then proceeds to put one arm around me and pulling my viel down she starts to recite the verses from the Quran.

Tears form in my eyes and I try my best to keep them at bay. Mamma has never stopped treating me like a daughter. Her actions only confirm what  a fantastic mother figure she is as she does exactly what she has done for Medina and Sarina when they were getting married.

Refusing to let the tears  win. I turn my head and through my veil I look at her beautiful Profile.

“I love you Mamma.” My voice wavers on the last word.

She turns to look at me , a smile on her lips as she squeezes my shoulder gently.

“I love you to loohri. We all do”. She always has the right words to say and with my heart full of extreme happiness we make our downstairs and to the awaiting car,where it’ll take us to the mosque where the man of my dreams awaits ,so we  can finally be united as one.

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