Chapter Ten

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Five years later


Okay girls that’s a wrap. Well done. I’m very proud of you all and you should all be proud of yourself too”. I smile at my wonderful girls as they cheer.

Winning the local dance competition a week ago was just the start. A very famous music and dance producer has come to me with a proposition. He wants my girls to star in a film. It's only a ten minute dance sequence but we’re all very excited. Shooting will begin a couple of months.

As the girls head out to the changing room I see Melissa approach me. She seems upset and my girls know that they can come and talk to me about anything.

“Hey Mel. What’s up baby girl?” I see tears glisten in her eyes.

“Nat..My mom is going to go into hospital for her op. It’s next month and as I’m the only one who looks after her I don't think I will be able to attend the dance studio for at least two weeks tops”. She looks devastated. I Don't blame her. She is the sole carer of her mother who suffers from depression and recently she has been told that she needs a hysterectomy due to her heavily irregular periods.

“Oh Mel. Don't worry. I’m sure we can work something out. If you want we can get a carer for you mom for the period you will be away.” I take her in my arms and hug her, she instantly hugs me back.

“No Nat..I can't afford a carer. I just wanted to let you know in advance. So you can find a replacement”. She pulls back and wipes away her tears, forcing a smile on her lips.

“Melissa Carpenter. They will be no replacement. You are coming and that's final..ahh ..ahh.. No for the carer, leave it to me. I’ll take care of it”. I hold her hand and she squeezes it back.

“That's very kind of you Nat. But you know I can't accept. It’s too much and I feel that y…”

“Listen to me mel! I said I’ll take care of it. You girls have become my family. You have always looked out for me. Each and everyone of you have. That’s what family does. So hush up and make sure you come for practice. I need you, we all do.” 

She throws herself into my arms and starts to cry.

“'s okay baby girl. Don't you ever think you’re alone. You're not. I’m here for you.” I rub her back gently.

She pulls away and pecks me on the cheek.

“Thank you so much Nat. I don't know what to say or how I’ll repay you.” 

“By coming to practice tomorrow and dancing your little butt of. Okay?” I smile at her.

“Okay!. Yes tomorrow. Love you Nat.” she gives me another peck on the cheek and smiling she quickly goes to the girls changing room. No doubt sharing the good news.

I turn to get my things, a smile on my face. I’ve come a long way. My studio is doing extremely well. I only take on about twenty students. I believe in quality not quantity. My pupils know this and in return I want fall on dedication from them\a. Lately I have been giving the reins to my promising young dancer Maria, but due to some family function I had to take over for today.

Dance is my passion but lately I have found teaching my primary school kids so fulfilling. I’ve finally put my degree to good use and have a teaching job at a local primary school that my Shalina attends. Although I teach five years old it doesn't hurt that I get to see my baby during the day. Time is running away as she’s  growing up so fast.. She has only a couple of more years then she will be attending a high school. I don't want to think about that at the moment. They say ignorance is bliss.

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