Chapter sixteen

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“Well now that we have everything out in the open about you and I talk about the upcoming future regarding our beautiful children? Where do you want to start Natasha?” His mouth is right up against my ear and instantly my body reacts with goosebumps all over.


I turn to face him as I continue to struggle in his grasp, he has a sexy  fucking smile on his face and his eyes have darkened.

My traitiorus body is instantly reacting to him and he knows it. The one thing we can’t deny is our intense attraction towards each other. That has never been an issue between us.

“What are you talking about Hakim?” I hate the power his touch has over me. He pulls me closer to him and our lips are just inches away from each other.

“Natasha. I want you. I want you in every way I can, as my woman, as my wife, as the mother to our children, I want you.” His mouth is so close, so very close that if I were to move  slightly an inch forward I will be touching them with my own, but his words have a deliciously devastating effect on me, as millions of butterflies erupts in my tummy.

I look into his eyes which are laced with desire and I know that he is serious. I don't know what to feel. All my life I have been waiting to hear those words from his mouth and now that I’ve finally have I can't respond. I’m staring at him like a fool as his gaze travels over my face taking in my expression, his lips twitch.

“Well, as I live and breath. Natasha Alicia Jackson has been left utterly speechless by mere old me.” The voice is seductively dark and mocking as he puts his mouth right up against my ear.

“Tell me what you want Natasha? Tell me you feel what I’m feeling. I see it in your eyes ,I see the way your body reacts to mine, but I want to hear you say it.” He brushed his lips against my ear, sending a delicious wave of desire right through my  heated body.

I moan out loud and he instantly reacts by crashing his lips against me. I respond just as quick and that’s all he needed as he crushes me against his hard body and we equally devour each other with our mouths.

My hands are everywhere on him and he is returning the favour. I can feel his large hands grabbing at my body, rubbing , tugging, squeezing. I love the feeling of being wanted by him. It makes me feel so sexy, so powerful, so fucking desired. 

He suddenly pulls away and I moan at the loss of contact. I see him with his head hung low , he’s breathing erratically as he clutches at my thighs.

“What’s wrong Hakim?” I try to straighten up, but he holds me in place as he lifts his face up to meet my eyes. He appraises me slowly from head to toe and back up again, his hold on my thighs tightens almost painfully but he realises it and quickly lets go, rubbing gently instead, which is fine by me either way.


“I can’t...I don't want to do this wi…”.

I quickly get up and back away from him. His words are like a slap in the face. My heart feels the pain and I quickly turn away, straightening my dress, my hands shaking as I fight back the tears of rejection.

“Natasha! Wait! Look at me please!.” I feel him get up and I walk quickly up to the door but he slams it before I can open it, crowding me in from behind,pushing me further up against the door with my back flush up his front.

“Natasha, I want to st….”.

“You don't have to explain yourself Hakim. I know we can't deny what we have between each other but I refuse to be that woman again.” My voice sounds very calm but inside I'm dying inside.

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