Chapter Three

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“I can't believe you're a mom.” Sarina is cuddling Shalina and glares at me.

“Yes well..I can't believe you're finally pregnant”. I reply smiling.

Shit..She was angry like the rest of them but she had taken an instant liking to Shalina and vice versa. My baby girl is playing on Sarina’s phone whilst sitting next to her. Sarina did try to sit her on her lap but her huge belly prevented it.

“Changing the subject will not make me stop asking about why on earth you kept this beautiful girl a secret from us all.?..I still can't get my head around it Tasha.” She shakes her head at me whilst stroking Shalina’s lovely curls.

“ day I will explain everything..but for now lets catch up...I’ve missed you baby girl.” I try my best to change her mood and subject.

“Uh hmmm..If that's the case why in the name of God haven't you visited  all this time?”. She fires back at me.

My lord..She is not making things easier for me. She’s really pissed and is out to get me.

Damn..pregnant Sarina is a nightmare. I wonder how Adam puts up with her.

“Sarina..I’m sorry..please let’s talk about something else.” I plead with her.

“Okayyyyy.. Sorry I just need to get used to you being a mother.” She rolls her eyes and I sigh with relief as she looks at Shalina again and kisses her on her head.

I smile at the interaction as right now my daughter and Sarina look so alike. It’s the beautiful eyes and also my baby shares so much of Sarina’s traits. The confidence, the attitude and definitely her temperament. No wonder they got on straight away.

Damn it..I hope no one clocks on.

“So..How is Adam and the family?” 

She smiles and with one hand rubs her huge tummy.

“They’re all good...Adam is great..I’m so lucky to have them all in my life. Alhumdulilah”

I can see she radiates happiness and she looks absolutely stunning with her pregnancy. I’m hit with a sudden blast of envy. My pregnancy was awful, morning sickness and throwing up right till the end and I didn't have none of the glow . My birth was a lonely, painful experience.  I quickly look at Shalina and she makes it all worthwhile. Everything disappears, the darkness,the pain and one smile from my baby girl gets me back to my happy place.

Suddenly there's a knock on Sarina’s bedroom door that she has at her Parents house, Mamma enters with tea and cookies. This lovely lady is so kind, caring and beautiful that my heart melts just looking at her. Abu Jan and her would not let me go to stay at a hotel. They were furious at me for even suggesting it. They practically frog marched me upstairs and dragged me and Shalina to Sarina’s room. It’s the second biggest in the house.

“Nice cup of chai for you two.

.and homemade cookies for my Khaista granddaughter”. She puts the tray of food on the side table happily.

My throat clogs up and my tummy clenches when she calls Shalina her granddaughter.

Oh mamma if you only knew.

“Shalina..go wash your hands baby girl.” I quickly blink the tears away.

“Yes Mamma.” She gets up eyeing the delicious cookies then quickly leaves the room.

“She very good child Tasha loohri..She reminds me so much of my Medina”. She sits next to me and I throw an arm around her for a side hug.


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