Chapter Thirteen

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Shit. My tummy is fluttering with nerves as I make my way to the kitchen for breakfast. As it was the weekend , Hakim no doubt would be at home and I feel so nervous confronting him after last night.

I stop by the door and listen to the voices in the room. I can hear Abu Jan, Mamma and Shalina and Jannat giggling.

Yes!! No Hakim. I'm about to enter when I sense someone behind me, Quickly looking over my shoulder I see Hakim standing right behind me with a smile on his face with his arms folded.


"What are you doing Natasha.?" He questions me quietly, lips twitching.

I clear my throat and reward him with a smile of my own. "Er, nothing, I was just going in". I reply and quickly enter the kitchen.

He follows after me and we both head to the table where Mamma as usual has outdone herself with a delicious spread of breakfast. I kiss everyone except Hakim and settle in my chair.

Shit!. He had to take the seat right opposite me. He settles and throws me a humorous look. Damn. He knows that I'm uncomfortable around him, especially since last night and he seems to be enjoying it.

What the hell is wrong with him? Why is he so calm and cool about it?

"Tasha loohri, come, eat up!" Mamma sits next to me and fills my plate up with paratha, chickpeas and egg.

"Woah. Mamma, I think that's more than enough. It's not like I need the extra thousand calories added to my ever growing waist." I laugh out loud.

"Nonsense. There is nothing wrong with your body my girl. You are a beautiful woman with a healthy body" Mamma replies affectionately, tapping my hand.

"Is that a polite way of saying , I'm fat Mamma?" I pretend I'm offended by her words, but she knows me well and laughs along with me.

I happen to love my curvy body.

I look across at Hakim and I can't help but flush when he looks at my face intensely. His gaze lingers on my lips for a second but he then quickly averts his gaze.


"Kaka. Can you take me and Shalina to the park ? " Little Jannat runs up to her father, grabbing his hand excitedly.

"Of course my Jan. (My life). Did you eat your breakfast?" He enquires, playfully ruffling her wayward hair.

Damn. My tummy clenches at the sight

"Yes . Me and Shalina had paratha and egg." She replies happily. She looks my way and smiles. She's such a happy go luck child.
Full of ever lasting smiles and energy.

"Aunty, Can you come with us too?" Her huge green eyes and angelic face are so hard to resist.

"Yes. I'll be happy to, if your fat...Kaka doesn't mind?" I throw a glance at Hakim and I see his lip forming into a sexy smile.

Damn, my treacherous heart.

"Why of course Natasha. The more , the merrier." He replies instantly .

"Yessss. Shalina, come let's change" She turns quickly and grabbing Shalina, proceeds to drag her out of the room, her excited giggling could be heard.

"That little child has everyone in her little tiny grasp". Abu Jan chuckles with pride in his voice. "She reminds me so much of her mother". His voice falters for a bit as his eyes shows his sadness.

"I've heard so much about her Abu Jan. She seemed like a lovely woman". I grasped his hand in mine and give it a squeeze.

He puts his other hand on top of mine and returns the gesture. "She was very special Loohri. We only had her for a small amount of time, but I thank Allah that she came into our lives, especially gifting us with Jannat". Tears form in his eyes and My heart goes out to him.

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