Chapter Fourteen

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I looked at him in utter shock, my mouth hanging open. Surely, I must have misheard what he just said. 

“You heard correct Natasha, I want you to marry me”. He has a stupid grin on his face as he repeats himself very clearly, I don’t know if it’s due to my reaction or he's enjoying himself. Must be both.

“You have got to be joking’re kidding me right?” I look at him wearily, hoping that he is going to laugh any minute and tells me his pulling my leg.

“Nope. I’m fucking dead serious darling..and you’re going to agree to it”. He leans back in his chair folding his arms and cocks his head to the side, awaiting my response. 

Well his fucking going  to get it alright.

“No. No. No. '' There I’ve said it three times, so he won’t get confused. 

Who the fuck does he think he is?

“Is that so”. He then leans forward towards me and the smirk is back in place as he spreads his huge hands on the table. He’s so close that I can see the tinge of green in his beautiful eyes and I automatically push back in my chair.

“Yes. I’m not going to marry you Hakim. I dont’ know what’s going on in that warped mind of yours but my answer is a big, fat fucking No.” My hands go up to my hair and I start to finger comb it nervously. He notices and he seems to follow the movements with his eyes.


“The way I’m feeling right now , I think you should take that into consideration before you answer me with sass. I don’t care w....".

“What the fuck is wrong with you Hakim? Are you hearing yourself right now? This is crazy, this stupid marriage thing you have come up with..Do you not see how  your acting?” I don’t wait for his reply as I grab my coat and quickly make my way out of the cafe. 

He doesn't follow me quickly as he must be settling the bill but I don't stay to find out as I make a run for it and exiting the cafe I take a quick right , heading towards any destination as long as It puts distance between Hakim and I.

I’m so focused on getting away from him that I don't hear the screech of a car as it quickly turns and stops abruptly right in front of me.

“What the fu…”.

“Get in.” Hakim takes the window down and looks at me with his usual pissed off self.

“No”. I dodge around the car and continue walking. If he bloody thinks that I’m coming along with him he has a..ahhhhhhhhhh!

I’m lifted off the floor and thrown over his shoulder. I can’t believe the cheek of this man. I started to throw punches at his back but he continues walking and opening the car door he throws me very ungraciously in the passenger seat, locking the door immediately as he made his way towards the driver side.

He settles in the seat, fixes his hair, straightens his jacket and start the car, not even once looking my way.

Gritting my teeth...I turn my face away and put my seatbelt on.

Fuck him! Arrogant Prick!

I give him the silent treatment throughout the drive back, not as if he is pursuing a conversation with me to begin with. Once in a while I would peek at him slyly, and what I would see a big ass grin on his face.

Crazy fucker? What is he thinking to make him feel so jolly. I hate it that I can't be privy to his the nearer we are reaching home the happier he is getting.

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