Chapter eight

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Shalina’s constant chatter was the only thing that kept my thoughts from straying. Our dinner of Shalina’s choice turned out to be a kid friendly place, where Burgers and fries were selected by my over excited daughter. She normally has this as a treat and what with Ice cream for afters she thought all her birthdays had rolled into one.

Bloody Hakim, was spoiling her rotten and it was only day one of these outings. From the rate him and Shalina were getting on I knew more will be on the agenda in the future. I don't know how to feel about that. 

In one way, I'm happy about my baby girl spending time with her father, even if said Father and daughter duo are completely oblivious to the fact. On the other the guilt would come at me full force , robbing me of my breath.

I feel like I’m deceiving everybody with the secret. I know that what I’m doing is for the benefit of everyone. I can't stand to disappoint my loving Uncle Jahan and Mamma, not to mention Medina and Sarina. I refuse to give Hakim’s feelings any thought as I know that he’s more entitled than everyone else.

God forbid if he was to find out.

The way he’s with Shalina leaves no doubt at all in my mind that he adores my child. Him not being aware of her paternity is so bittersweet, especially when I see the way he interacts with our daughter. 

My God! What a mess.

Hakim’s earlier words of speaking to me when we get home, looms over me like a dark cloud. Why the sudden change of heart? What does he want? What about Nina? What about the fact that his bloody engaged?

“Natasha..Natasha?” I hear his deep voice calling out my name.

Mentally shaking my head , I turn to see that we have arrived home. 


“What’s the matter Natasha? You seemed miles away. '' His looking at me with his pretty hazel eyes and my tummy flutters when he looks down at me lips.


“Oh ..just thinking..Hey baby girl ,you okay back there?” I turned around to see that Shalina has gone to sleep.

Hakim gets out of the car and opens Shalina side of the door. He then gently unclips her seatbelt and takes her in his arms. My baby mumbles something but he shushes her back to sleep, putting one arm around her and his  other huge hand cradles her against his chest. 

Fuck ! That man has the most sexy  hands. Just looking at them causes my tummy to dip.

“Are you going to sit there and stare?.. Or are you coming inside? '' Hakims lips twitch as he arches his eyebrows.

Smug bastard.

I quickly get out. We make our way inside and hear very loud voices. Hakim throws me a look but continues up the stairs to settle Shalina. I make my way to the living room and see none other than a wailing Sarina, a consoling Medina and a excited Mamma.

“Sarina, we need to get you to the hospital.” Medina is holding her hand as she rubs Sarinas back gently.

“I want Adam…. please Medina, tell him to hurry up as I.... ahhhhhhhhh”. She screams out,  as I presume a contraction takes over .

“Loohri..Adam said he will meet you at the hospital. He’s on the motorway.” Mamma looks up at me and smiles excitedly. No doubt she is anticipating the arrival of another grandchild. 

I return the smile and quickly crouch by Sarina. I take her other hand and she throws me a tired smile of her own.

“Sarina. Baby girl, unless you want this baby of yours to be born here on this couch then get your fat ass up and let's go”. I scold her.

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