Chapter Six

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One week later

The girls and I are out for a ladies days out. A heavily pregnant Sarina, A kids free Medina and a surprise visitor , our beloved Kelly. The only one missing from the old gang was Sophie who we facetimed earlier. She's married to Hasan with Two children and now resides in Dubai.

It's good to have these loyal , loving women around me. Our bond has always been a close one, even though there's a three year age gap between the younger girl, Sarina and Kelly.

I feel guilty that I can't share Shalina's fathers paternity with them. Maybe I fear the disappointment in Medina's and Sarina's eyes. I know that they come to love and accept Shalina as their own. But an illegitimate child is very much frowned upon in their culture , especially the pashtuns. My God, Mamma and uncle Jahan wil be devastated to learn that Hakim is a father outside of marriage. Growing up , I remember that they would teach the kids all about Islam from an early age.

My tummy clenches . I have to keep it a secret. If I want to be a part of their lives then I'll have to. My shalina deserves to know them and if it means going about it this way. I will.

"Natasha that you girl?" A very familiar voice addresses me from behind.

The girls and I stop and turn around. A smile instantly breaks on my face when I see Damon in all his six foot four glory. Without thinking I run to him and jump into his huge arms, laughing with joy. His laughing and hugs be back with fever...twirling me around a few times.

"Damon Tyrell's been ages". He puts me down and I pull back to look him over.

Damn..his one fine specimen of a man. Tall, black and incredibly handsome. A beautiful soul to go with it and damn... those eyes. One brown and one blue. So unique and so beautiful in his perfect face.

"To long girl..way to long. " He then looks at the woman next to him who is checking me out from head to toe, I thought I would see jealousy reflecting in her eyes but I found her smiling at me and I can't help but return the smile.

She's a stunning woman. Petite and curvy. Her luscious blonde hair is loose all around her in glorious curls. She has ocean blue eyes and a small straight, pierced nose with pouty lips. The look that Damon gives her is so full of love and intensity that I had to look for a way for a bit.

"Sorry... Natasha, I would like you to meet my wife Caitlin...Caitlin ..this is Natasha very good friend." He lovely smiles widens when Caitlin brings me in for a hug.

Wife!!! Damn..I wasn't expecting that.

Plus a woman normally feels threatened by me ...I don't mean to boast guys..but it's a fact...however this woman has no restrictions or any Qualms at all.

"So good to finally meet the famous Natasha Jackson" Her voice is so soft and feminine. Just like the rest of her.

"Aw..No the pleasure is all mine..I'm so happy that my darling Damon has found someone who is finally worthy of him." It's true. Damon deserves to be loved by a special kind of woman and from the vibes I'm getting from them it seems he's finally found it in Caitlin.

"Natasha..Your friends are w...."

" oh..girls." ...I wave them over.

"Hey Damon, Caitlin..Meet my very ,very good friends slash sisters..Medina..Sarina and Kelly."

I see the girls give me pointed looks and I know Damon Will be a hot topic between all of us soon. Yep..Damon has that effect on women. It's a shame that a certain uptight bastard had a hold of my heart all those years ago and I never gave Damon a chance.

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