Chapter Seven

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Sarina’s due date came and went. The baby was quite happy to be in his/her little cocoon. I on the other hand was getting very restless. My encounter with Hakim the other week left me emotional and on edge. He’s totally oblivious to the havoc he causes, when he's around me.

I’m become pretty damn good at acting. Come on!  Sitting at the dinner table with his lovely fiance opposite me took a lot of effort. It worked... for no one at all clocked on to the feelings raging inside of me. What grates me the most is the fact that Nina is so similar in looks to me, Kelly also found the resemblance uncanny and yet Hakim getting engaged to her was a kick to my heart.

I wish that Hakim Jahan never existed. I’m a fool for letting him get to me. The whole week he has been here I’ve been doing my best to avoid him. I avert from situations where we find ourselves together. Dinner is the only place I see him for I don't want to insult his loving parents. The fact that Shalina has taken a liking to him does not help matters at all.

My baby girl curls up in his lap when he's sitting with his folks to watch tv and he even takes her up... tucks her into bed when she falls asleep in his arms. I leave him to it and then enter the room only when he exists it. The tension between us is palpable. You can cut it it with a fucking knife.

“Mamma...Can I go out with uncle Hakim to the Park?" Shalina’s soft voice interrupts my thoughts.


“Er baby girl ..I don't think that's a good idea...he may be  busy and ma….” 

“Mamma...noooooo ...pleaseee let me go..he told me to ask you.” Shalina’s persists.

He did what?

“Shalina..listen to your Mamma please.. I said go downstairs and tell your Hakim that Ma….”

“No Mamma..I want to go..why won't you let me go?…...”

“Baby no”.

“Mamma...Please..Mamma please ...Mamma Please..”

“Baby girl...Stop wh….”.


“Oh for the love of God...okay.. okay”.  I always give in..I can't help it. She knows how to get me each and every time. Plus she’s stubborn as hell..a Jahan trait.

Damn I need to work on my mothering skills..or this little girl will walk over all me.

“Thank you...Thank you… Thank you…” She flung herself into my arms and peppers me with kisses..I return some of my own and my heart contracts at her beautiful face radiating from happiness.

I get her ready and taking her hand we head downstairs. Hakim is in the kitchen on his phone texting and when he sees Shalina all ready a smile breaks out on his face.

Fuck!!. I quickly look away.

“So are we set then?” He pockets his phone and stands up smiling. He gives me  a questioning look to say if I’m okay with this and I nodded my head without replying.

“Now baby will behave yourself and listen to your er... Uncle Hakim..ok”. I bend down to give her a kiss on her dimpled cheeks.

“Would you care to join us Natasha?.” Hakim asks me cautiously.

Er No.!!!

“No Thank you Dr Hakim..I have some errands to run and the…..”

“Please Mamma...can you come too..please...please...please..” 

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