New story sneak-peek

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Hey guys,

so here's the first chapter of my new story. Pleaseeee, let me know what you think

by commenting. Although the theme of it maybe similar to my other two stories, I hope to

take this story on a totally different path. I hope I can bring that through as I continue.

I await your comments and suggestions.

Lots of love to you all,


Chapter one

‘’Oh James. Yes baby! Right there. Oh. Oh. Ohhhhhhhh”.

I quickly put some music on to drown out that horribly, annoying voice. Looking from my window to the window of the house next door, I see that the blinds are drawn and the frigging window open.


James, Fucking Manwhore Dean Hudson was at it again. Another slut, another day, another amature porn movie happening right next door. Right in my face. Okay, not literally but you get what I’m saying. That bloody, arrogant fucker has no shame whatsoever. I’m surprised he keeps the blind closed. On more than a few occasions I've seen him dry humping his bimbos. On those few occasions before I could close my blinds he would stare right at me and continue without breaking eye contact and with a huge ass smirk on his face.



 Why do I have to put up with this?

 Why do I happen to live right next door to a Hugh Hefner wannabe?

 Why can’t I move to say the….moon. Yep! I'll happily settle on the moon if I could and that way I don't have to see that fucking twat ever again.

Oh dreams. They’ll never come true. Well Mine won’t. No matter how I wish for something,I'll know that I'll just have to put up with my the shit and get on with it. 

Sighing. I close my book and move my neck around a few times , I close my eyes and lean back in my chair. Soon enough my mind drifts to a time when the annoying fucker next door was one of the most important people in my life. A time where we were inseparable. A time where we are constantly in each other's homes. Happy times. Carefree times. 

I don’t know when the separation gradually happened. One day we were stuck at the hip the next Jame’s kicked me to the curb so to speak. God, It hurted. I don't know what I had done wrong or what made him do what he did, but I still feel the intense hurt. I begged him for answers, but none was given. I even had my Mother asking him what was wrong but he would refuse to give her an answer either. Gradually bitterness took over my heart. I started to play him at his own game. If he ignored me I started to do the same and I became so damn good at it.

Now we hardly speak. It's been a good few years where we just be cordial if that. If he wants to greet me he will, if he doesn't he won't . It hurt in the beginning. I felt that he had taken a knife and plunged it into my heart, repeatedly but then it stopped hurting as a became the icy bitch that he turned me into.

But I still miss him.


 Damn, I miss him so much.

 I miss his beautiful smile.

I miss his wicked sense of humour.

I miss his laughter.

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