Chapter Two

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“What”? Jake asks me shocked.

“Jake, darling keep it down”!. Medina warns her husband as the kids look our way startled.

“Sorry..I just thought I heard our dear Natasha here saying that she's the mother of that cutie pie over there”!. He wiggled his finger in his ear for a very..sarcastic , dramatic affect.

Damn here I thought I was the queen of sarcasm.

“Jakey..I wanted to tell you all but I j….”

“Tasha..If that was your intention then we wouldn't be here gawking at that  poor little child”. He shakes his head in disappointment.

Jake is my one of my closest friends. The fact that we have known each other all of lives makes him extremely special and like a brother to me. I hate the way he’s looking at me now. His hurt and confused and I don't blame him or Medina. Medina is giving me time to explain myself but Jakey is different. He wants answers and he wants them now.

“Jake..please listen to me ..I will ex….”

He puts up his hand to stop me. Nope..he doesn't want to listen.

“Save it Tasha. I thought we were family. I thought you could come and tell me everything as I’ve always let you know that I’m here for you..always.” He turns to collect the fallen bags and walks out of the room.

“Jake ..please…” I sob out.

Medina gets up and walks up to sit right next to me. She puts her arm around me and gives me a side hug.

“Give him some time know how he’s like..let him calm down.” She kisses me on the cheek and leaned her head against mine.

“I hate it when he’s angry..he’s such a lovable bastard and when he’s like this he makes me feel like shit”. I whisper quietly.

“Tasha..We’re just extremely shocked. I mean this is huge darling. You're a have been for ..wait old is Shalina”?. She pulls ways and looks at Shalina then back at me.

“She’s four baby is four and three months.” I look at my daughter proudly.

Medina gets quite for a while thinking...Shit...Medina thinking is not a good thing right now as she will realise that I was pr…..

Yep..her eyes widen with realisation.

“That means you must have been pregnant when you went away..which means the father is from here”. She looks at me waiting for me to confirm.

Fuck..Why does she have to be Miss clever pants.

“Yes..yes..You’re right..The father is someone from here” I reluctantly agree.

“Who is he Natasha? If you don't mind me saying, but one look at that gorgeous girl over there, tells me it’s not the lovely Damian.” 

Fuck! There she goes again. Columbo eat your heart out. Medina Jahan is in the house.!

Damian is black..If you guys are wondering.

“No it’s not..Damian and I have never been intimate, you know that...Can you just let it be Medina..please”. I pleaded..My heart is beating rapidly and my tummy clenches with  nerves.

“Well whoever he is..he’s missing out on that beautiful child. Do you think that's fair Tasha?”

She looks at me with slight disapproval..but I know she will not push me..she will wait.

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