Chapter one

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Five Years later.


"Shalina, Baby Girl sit still please!." I gently scold my Four year old daughter.

She throws me a glare which is like a punch to the heart as she looks so like her father in that instant that I have to look away then back again.

"Mamma, are we there yet"? She asks, sighing out very loud.

God such attitude from this age..I guess I can't blame her as I'm not exactly Miss goody goody so to speak and her father is a ha....

Shit..What is it with me today? He seems to be invading my thoughts a lot today.

"Nearly Baby girl. Just a few more minutes." I smile at her and reach out to hold her tiny hand.

I look at my beautiful daughter and I can't help a feeling of love and possessiveness wash over me. She may have her father's hazel eyes but that's where the similarity ends. The rest is all me from her brown curly hair to her straight perfect nose , deep dimples on either side and a full pouty mouth.

She's beautiful and perfect and I wanted to keep her all to myself. I have all this time and I loved every minute of it. It was just me and her in a little perfect bubble of happiness, bliss and joy.

She has been my saving grace.

The day I found out I was pregnant was a very poignant one. So many emotions and feelings,I was also shocked the most as I've only slept with her father that one time. That one time of weakness and also heartbreak for it was then I realised that he regretted it straight away and broke my heart into a million pieces.

Shit.fuck.Why am I thinking negative thoughts.

If Shalina is the end result of that one time I would let my heart get broken again and again for one thing I don't regret is Shalina, my baby girl coming into my life. I would never regret that.

So here I am, my child and I and guess where I'm heading. Back home. Believe me It's not my choice. It's only because that for the past few months Sarina has been bugging me non stop to come and see her as she has become pregnant ..very hormonal and teary. She would have hopped on a plane herself but she has a severe case of altitude sickness and hates the thought of planes let alone flying on one.

Six months of begging..yes I seem like a nasty cold bitch but I have my reasons for avoiding the reunion and I finally gave in. She had booked a ticket herself..I couldn't do that to her.

I'm more nervous for myself and my daughter but I guess I will deal with that when the time comes. Shalina is my child and no one needs to question anything further. I guess I've made things extra complicated as no one and I mean no one knows the existence of Shalina. I have chosen to keep it that way for a reason.

Boy this reunion is going to be a surprise alright. Medina will be shocked, in fact they'll all be but again I don't regret it. Time away has made me into a different person. I don't want to rely on people anymore. I don't want to be a victim of my emotions and feelings anymore. And I certainly don't want to be that girl who thought unrequited love was acceptable.

No fucking way. Not anymore. I've hardened myself over the years. I've always had a no take shit attitude but over the years it has strengthened further. The only person that can bring me down to my knees is my daughter and maybe the Jahan's.. minus one.

Fuck..I'm not going to think about that particular Jahan.

We finally arrive at our destination .Taking my daughters hand we exist the taxi. I pay the driver once he delivers my luggage outside Medina's door. I will book a hotel once I see my beautiful friend and The Jahans. I used to miss them so much but when I looked at Shalina she would comfort me as I know that their blood runs in her veins and I would be content.

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