Chapter Fifteen

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One week later.

“Ahhhhhhh!!! What an infuriating woman!” I scream angrily at Medina. “Who the hell does she think she is?”. I pace back and forth in her living room.

Medina watches me with amusement. She waits for my ranting to be over as she knows there's no point in interrupting me when I'm like this.

“Why the hell does  Abu Jan put up with it? Why does Mamma take her shit? Why the fuck can no one put in her place?”. I so bloody want to know the answers to my questions, it seems no one is willing to answer them but I've had enough and I needed Medina to answer them ... for I don’t know what I’ll do to bloody Aunty Zara.

Finally I sit down with Medina and she puts an arm around me in comfort. I scoot up to her and take the tea she offers me. The kids have gone out with Jake, including Shalina  and Jannat so we have the house to ourselves.

“Finished?” Medina nudges me gently.

“Not Really. I just want to know why you all take the crap she dishes out, what the hell is her problem?” I sip on the tea, hoping it would calm my nerves.

It's a long story Tasha”. Medina sighs , setting her tea cup down, she turns around so she faces me.

“Well baby girl, I’m all ears.” I go to the other end of the sofa and face Medina, our socks clad feet touching.

“Well I'll start from the beginning…. Okay…. Well as you know Abu Jan has only one sibling Which is Aunty Zara. She’s the youngest of the two and she absolutely adored my Abu Jan when they were younger, she still does. Anyhow to cut a long story short, Aunty Zara is beautiful now...but she was a stunner back in the days and she had so many marriage proposals, but she would refuse them because she was very picky. Well one day she finally accepted the proposal of Abu Jan’s best mate who had fallen in love with her during a party they had attended. Aunty Zara was captivated by this handsome man and she accepted straight away. So they got married and they were happy , she became pregnant and one day they were attending a restaurant when they had an accident, she not only lost Uncle Hamza but she also lost the baby. Abu Jan says the heartbreaking loss was too much for her so she shut herself off from mourn all alone. She locked herself away from everyone for three months. When she finally decided to join the living, she had changed, gone was the happy go lucky, joyous person, Abu Jan says that she became bitter and mean and although the love's still there she just has a funny way of showing it.” Medina looks across at me and she can tell that my feelings towards her Aunty are split in two after I heard her story.

I must admit, I  do feel sorry for her. She has been through a lot and I guess I can understand her more clearly now, but that doesn't give her the right to be mean  and bitchy to the people who actually love her. Life is way too short to be bitter.

“Well.. I’m sorry for her loss. She has been through an awful time in her life and it's really heartbreaking...not only did she lose the man she loved but she also lost her unborn child. God, being a mother ...I can’t imagine what I would do if I was in her position.”

“I feel a but coming.” Medina arches an eyebrow, lips twitching.

“Butttttt...She’s still a mean old bitch, who needs to sort herself out.” I reply, sighing heavily,folding my arms.

Medina laughs out loud and pushes at me with her feet, gently pushing me off the sofa.

“What? It’s true, she needs to face the fact that what happened was no ones fault. It’s horrible what happened..very awful and tragic. I wouldn't wish it on my enemy but we can't change the course of path that Allah chooses for us...heartache was written in her kismet, Who knows why Allah chose her to go through it...but he works in mysterious ways and she can’t use that as an excuse Medina.” I look across at my friend and I see something flicker in her eyes. She rewards me with a huge smile and lunges at me, hugging me fiercely.

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