Chapter Eleven

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I can’t seem to look away from him. To say he has changed is an understatement. I mean physically he has. Gone is the bulky figure, he know has broad shoulders and a tapered waist. He has a small well kept beard, that for someone reason is causing my tummy to flutter. His face is more angular now, his features sharper but so incredibly sexy to look at. Only his eyes are the same. The same pretty hazel with curled lashes just like his father , sisters and our daughter’s.


“Natasha. You’re back!. What a surprise.” His deep voice sends shivers down my spine. 

God. I’ve missed his voice.

“Hey D..Hakim. Good to see you. When I heard about Unc...I mean Abu Jan, how could I not come”. I quickly avert my eyes and look at Abu Jan and Mamma, who to my surprise are both looking at me with a  little strangely.


“Shalina! My , look at you all  grown up.”Hakim walks into the room and stands before Shalina who without further instructions leaps into his arms nearly toppling him over.

“Uncle Jahan. Oh, I’ve missed you so much.” She looks up at him with a beautiful smile.

“I’ve missed you to love. Somehow talking on the phone is not the same as meeting in person”. Hakim ruffles her hair and she surprisingly lets him.

Wait, did he just say speaking on the phone?

I look over at Shalina who gives me a quick look and then averts her eyes.

“Oh, have you two been talking recently?” Now it’s my turn for strange looks.

“Why yes. We have been, for about a year now. Didn't she tell you?”. Hakim looks over at me with a puzzled look.

“Er no she didn't. Well never mind about that. I’ll leave you with Abu Jan. Shalina and I need to look for a hotel nearby.” I walk over to kiss Abu Jan on his cheek but he quickly grabs me by my wrist.

“Loohri, you are not going to a hotel. You should go on straight home.” he smiles at me.

“Abu Jan. I haven't spoken to my mother in years, I don't int…”

“No loohri. He means home, with us silly.” Mamma interrupts me.

“How about you stay until I finished speaking with Abu Jan for a while and I’ll take you both home.” Hakim looks over at Me and I know that I can't refuse them, especially Abu Jan and Mamma.

“Sounds like a plan. Yes,  If that's okay with you D..Hakim”. I again avoid eye contact.

“No problem at all. Right That's settled. Old man, how are you doing?” He walks up to his father with a grin and fuck I feel my tummy clenching again at the sight.

“Less of the old man, I can still whoop your behind if you don't behave”. Abu Jan fires back with a grin.

“Umm..I know you can, but like usual, mamma will come to my rescue .” He throws an arm over Mamma's shoulder and she giggles at their antics.

“Mamma, I remember those days very well. “ I look at her with affection and she returns it with one of her own.

“On a serious note Abu Jan. How are you feeling?. You gave us quite a scare. Just had a chat with the Doc and he says you were lucky that it wasn't a full blown heart attack. Alhumdulilah. “ The look on Hakim’s face is very touching as it clearly expresses his feelings for his father.

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