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3 years later.

I recited the Shahada and looked around the familiar faces surrounding me. I was finally complete. Today was one of the most important days of my life.

The Imam looks at me in with a smile on his face. His an elderley man and he has withnessed many of these special occasions. In fact he says he can remember each and everyone of them very clearly as it's not only special for the one who is reverting but also for the people who get to take part and withness it. Well, I'm glad that everyone who is important to me are here to see and share my moment with me.

Tears are streaming down my face as Mamma comes and embraces me , Medina and Sarina are soon engulfing me in a huge embrace and my fellow muslim women approach me one by one.

The immense joy and happiness I feel at this moment is hard to describe. I've talked to many people who have reverted to Islam and everyone has a different opinon on how they felt. Each person’s individual journey is just as special as mine. 

It took me a while to get here. The journey hasn’t been easy but somehow I knew that I was on the right path and my destination was pretty clear. I guess you can't change what is written in the stars. Or more importantly what Allah has instore for you.

Who would have thought that Party girl Natasha Alicia Jackson would become Alicia Hakim Jahan. A happily married woman, a mother of four beautiful children and a Muslim.

I look at my children who are sitting amongst themselves, The girls Shalina and Jannat are looking after their two year old twin brothers, Musa and Yusha. 

My boys are beautiful just like their sisters. The fact that Musa has my eyes and Yusha has his father’s makes them extra unique in their looks as aside  from that they are the spittin image of each other. They are so identical in looks that if it wasn't for their eye colour , no one can tell them apart.

Alhumdulilah. I thank the lord everyday. Praying five times a day brings me closer to him and soon I’ll be learning the Quran in Arabic. The english translation has been devoured by me several times but I feel the original text that it has come in will make it feel extra special for me.

“Tasha Loohri, Mubarak. I’m so proud of you”. Mamma kisses me on both cheeks and wipe away my tears of joy with her Hijab.

“Hey girl. You finally did it. Welcome to being branded a terrorist every once in a while.” Sarina laughs loudly. Mamma smacked her on the arm. 

“Ouch. I was only kidding Mamma. She knows I was joking.”  She then winks at me and I can't help but laugh in return.

Well, I know it's going to be a testing time for me. But nothing fazes me. Growing up with Medina, I used to see the nasty things that she and Sophie had to go through sometimes. Jake, the boys and I would always have their backs and Medina would never back down or be ashamed of who she was.

My role model has always been her. She never used to falter in her belief. She would always say that Allah only burdens you with a load than you can manage. Sometimes I would think maybe she had lost it, that she was talking nonsense. How can she believe so intensely in something that she can't see or hear. How can she put her whole hearted love and trust in something that’s not visible. I shake my head at my ignorance. I know now how it's like. Yes we don’t see Allah, but he’s there nonetheless. Just because your prayers don't get answered the first time , know that there is a reason why Allah chooses a certain time when he answers them. Allah will always know what’s best for you. Patience’s have to be learned. Things happen for a reason whether we like it or not. You just have to open your eyes and heart to the knowledge that whatever Allah does he does it for a reason.

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