Chapter Nine

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With the arrival of the new baby things have been a little chaotic around home. I need to go back to London and break things off with Nina. I want to talk to Natasha before I go but  for the past couple of days she has been going to Sarina’s,helping her out. By the time she’s back I barely get to see her as she settles Shalina to bed.

If I know any better , I think she’s avoiding me. If there's one thing Natasha Jackson is profoundly good at , it’s avoiding me when she wants to. I’m getting pretty angry at her recent attitude towards me. I thought the other day at the park we had a breakthrough but now I'm not to sure. 

She knows I want to speak to her. I want her to know that I want her and Shalina. I can't explain it but all I know is that, Natasha Jackson and her daughter are making me feel things that I have never felt before.

Her comeback has finally made me realise that it has always been her. My feelings for her recently are bordering on obsessive. I think of her all the time. Everywhere I go, she’s there. Everything I do,she’s there. She has taken over my mind not to mention my heart.

 I don't want to lead Nina on. I need to get back and talk to her too. But to do that I need to understand where I am with Natasha. I want to know how she feels about me. I will not take her feelings for granted anymore. The past is in the past, I can't do anything about that, but the future is something to be optimistic about. 

Coming down for a drink of water I stop in my tracks when I see Natasha seated at the table looking through the photos Abu Jan had shown her a few days ago. She has a small smile on her face and her eyes are glistening with unshed tears. 

I walk quietly up to the table and take a seat next to her. She looked up startled and when she sees me she looks down again avoiding eye contact.

Well my assumptions are correct .  She is avoiding me.

“Natasha,Can I talk to you?” I see her tensing at my words.

“There’s nothing to talk about Dr Hakim.” She replies quietly, flipping through the album.

“I think there is quite a lot to talk about, let's start with ...why the hell are you avoiding me?”. My gut clenches at her flippant attitude.

“Dr Hakim, last time I checked , my world doesn't revolve around you anymore. I've been busy”. She replied angrily, continuing looking through the album,

I quickly grab the album of her and close it harshly.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She finally looked at me and I see anger in her light green eyes.

“What has gotten into you? Why are you acting this way Natasha.?” I shout out in frustration.

“Keep your tone downDr Hakim ... I don't owe you anything. No answers, no explanation, nothing. Now if you’ll excuse me I have to get to bed”. She gets up to go but I grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back down in her chair.

“What the hell are you playing at? Let me go this instance!!” She tries to pull her arm away but I tighten my hold further. 


“Ouch .Let me go you buffoon.!!”

“Seriously, buffoon!. I remember you used to call me a lot of things, buffoon by far was the least offensive” my lips twitch at the memories.

“You should know Dr Hakim that I can make you blush with my colorful vocabulary, but I’ve recently found out  that it will only excite you. Let go!.” she continues to struggle.

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