Chapter Four

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I  wake up early. Back in spain I used to get up at the break of dawn. I loved sitting on my balcony and watching the sunrise and over the years my internal clock wakes me up at that specific time.

I turn to see Shalina curled up on her side. Bending down I kiss her and pull the cover up . I get off the bed and rummage in my suitcase to find some clothes to wear. I settled on a maxi dress and cardigan. Modest and simple. God. I’ve come a long way with my dress sense.

I used to wear barely there skirts and tops . My long legs on full display constantly. I loved the attention I would recieve from the opposite sex. I craved it. The partying and the booze meant everything to me back then. However when I would come to see Medina I would wear modest clothes. I didn't want to see the look of disapproval in her parents eyes. Their opinion meant a lot to me, it still does.

 Also  over the years my dress sense has changed. I’ve realised that I don't need to seek attention of people that don't matter in the long run. Since I became a mother a lot of changes have happened and not only to my ass that has become bigger.... No… I’ve also become content with my life. My child has been a blessing in more ways than one. She has completed me to an extent where I don't feel lonely anymore.

I quietly opened the door and with my towel , wash bag and clothes in hand I make my way to the bathroom. I need a cool shower and a hot cup of tea. Opening the door I let out a shriek.

There in all his naked glory stands none other than Hakim Jahan . He’s dripping wet and with my intrusion he quickly  grabs a towel to hide his lower regions. Too late I’ve already copped an eyeful.

Damn..I did not need to see that so early in the morning.

“Natasha Jackson! What the hell are you doing here?”. His voice is loud and harsh as he pulls the towel around him.

Fuck. I can't seem to take my eyes off him. Five years. I haven't laid eyes on the fucker in five years. Damn.... the years have been kind to him. He looked devastatingly good looking. His dark brown hair is longer now, brushing against his broad shoulders, his body is bulkier, suggesting he works out and my lord those eyelashes and those eyes. They're still the same and they still pack a punch as he stares back at me.


“Natasha”! His deep voice brought me back from my shameless appraisal and from the smirk on his face he didn’t miss me checking him out.

Cocky ,fuck.

I cleared my throat and looked away.

“What on earth are you doing here”? I spit out at him.

“Er..well the last time I checked darling, this is my folks home and I live here”. He replies, I quickly look at him to see him grinning at me as if I’m  stupid or dense.

I am both at this moment . He’s making me feel tongue tied and flustered.

Pull yourself together bitch. I mentally scold myself.

“Shouldn't it be me, asking you that question Natasha Jackson?”. He smirks...again.

“I’m visiting. Now if you’ll excuse me Dr Hakim..I’ll leave you to it.” I quickly turn around as my face heats up at the look on his face. Fuck I need to get out of here and fast.

Just when about to open the door he slams it shut with one huge hand and then using his other hand ...cages me in. My back to his front. I don’t want to think about what's keeping the towel in place. 

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