Chapter Seventeen

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"Oh my!. You have been busy, my dear woman." Anam chuckles at me from across the screen.

"Ughhh..I know Baby girl, but I'm so damn excited". I squeal with joy and hug the pillow next to me.

"Well, I'm so happy for you darling. You've finally managed to express your feelings after all these years...and Shalina finally knows Hakim is her father." I can see the emotions in her eyes as she stares back at me, beaming with pleasure.

"God I miss you Anam. I wish you were here. You have been my rock these past few years." I touch the screen and she mimics my actions. Tears in both of our eyes.

"Darling..I'm the blessed one, Allah brought you into my life when I really needed someone. Alhumdulilah, you're like a sister to me." She wipes away a tear and I feel so loved and blessed to have her in my life.

"Always baby girl. Okay...before I break down fully, how is the sexy Italian and my baby Ameena doing?" I look to see she is staring above the screen towards something that has caught her eye and a tinge of pink adorns her cheeks.

"Uh oh...the sexy Italian heard that didn't he?" I winked at her and she blushes more as the man in question comes around to stand behind his wife, he encircles her in his arms and bends down to give me a sexy grin in return.

"Yes...Thank you Natasha. Not for the comment regarding me...but for making my wife very flustered. I love it when she does." He kisses Anam at the top of her head as she hides her face from him.

"What is it with you women! Going all gushy and mushy over men. First Medina, now do know that you're just inflating their egos. " I scoff, rolling my eyes.

"Natasha, my wife is the love of my life. What she does to me in return, I cannot express to you in words." The damn sexy Italian always have a way with words and with that hot accent of his, he definitely knows the power he has over us women.

" Uh oh...I think I need to cut this call seems our dear Marcus is steaming the screen up with all the heat surrounding him...catch you later..bye." I quickly cut the call off laughing at Anam's mortified face and Marcus grinning wickedly down at her.

It's so damn good to have finally spoken to her. We had a lot of catching up to do and she always seems to say the right things to sort my chaotic brain out. I bet she and Medina will get on like a house on fire. Who knows, maybe I can get her to come down for the wedding.

Well since Hakim the idiot spilled the beans about our complicated relationship things have really escalated.

It's official, we are finally getting married. Yep. In a weeks time. Yep. Things have definitely speeded up... as the pain in my ass that is none other than Hakim Jahan, has decided to take matters into his own hands and set the date, made all the arrangements, all within the past two weeks.

It has been a hectic few days and if weren't for Medina and Sarina helping out I would have been running around like a headless chicken.

They have taken the news of Hakim and I with extreme joy and happiness. We were crying, hugging, crying and laughing, when all was revealed. Sarina gave me a piece of her mind afterwards for keeping her in the dark about Shalina but nothing could keep them from being genuinely happy about the two of us realising our feelings for one another. My dreams of a family are finally coming together. This family, that have always held a special place in my heart, that have always accepted me as treated me as their own and now I can finally and officially become one of them.

I don't have the words to express how I feel about it all. Words are not needed for they know how I feel . They have always known. The strong connection we share is something that is so obvious to see. They say blood is thicker than water... but that is absolute bull crap... to me my blood, my own mother wouldn't give me the time of day. She had her random men in an out of her life, changing them like a dirty pair of socks.

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