Chapter Twelve

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A week later

"Come on, chop chop!! Pass me those balloons, they are not going to blow themselves up are they". Sarina bellows at the top of her lungs.

"Sarina , calm the fuck down! Why the hell are you screaming?" I replied calmly , so the kids don't hear, throwing her a mocking glare.

"Duh. Abu Jan is coming out of hospital today. He's probably on his way." she then proceeds to blow up the offensive balloons so quickly that she pops half of them.

The kids laugh at her antics and she pretends to act insulted which results in more laughter.

I look around the room and sighed in contentment. Medina is in the kitchen preparing food with Jake, Sarina is helping me put up the decorations and the kids are colouring in the huge welcome home poster.

I see Shalina help Jannat colour inside the lines. The two girls together causes my breath to hitch as they are side by side and their heads are almost touching. Shalina once in a while stops and looks at Jannat with such affection that I find myself holding my breath sometimes.

Oh my god.

"Hey daydreamer, get up and help me put these up!" Sarina throws a bundle of ribbons at me to get my attention.

"Sorry. I think my baby girl is in love with Jannat, look at them?" I get up to help Sarina as she looks over at the girls and a smile spreads on her lips.

"Jannat has that effect on everyone she meets. She reminds me so much of her mother." Her smile falters and the quickly busies herself with the decorations.

"Can you tell me about her, if you don't mind?"

"Of course. Well as you know her name was Yasmeen. Jannat is a miniature version of her. She was very big hearted, very old school and very family oriented to name a few." Sarina smiles at the memory.

Wow. Sounds like perfection. How the hell do I complete with that.

What the fuck!! I mentally chide myself.

"She seemed like a great person. Hakim was lucky to have her in his life". I put up the remaining decorations and take a step back to view the room.

"Hakim was a dickhead in the beginning. He wouldn't give her the time of day but even he succumbed to her awesome personality eventually".Sarina sends me a satisfied look.

What hell? So it wasn't plain sailing as I thought.

"I guess he found the prospect of arranged marriage slightly daunting. You know he hated it. '' I replied.

"Mmmm. I don't think it was that... although it was a hell of a surprise when he finally agreed upon one. He just had this stinking attitude towards life back then. " She takes a seat and I join her.

"Well I'm glad he gave it a go, although the circumstances are really tragic the outcome of it is so precious.'' I pointedly stare at Jannat and we both smile at the little beauty before us.

"Alhumdulilah. Allah works in mysterious ways. Jannat has changed Hakim so much. Her mother had a huge part in it, but Jannat has changed the whole game here."

"Yes. I agree. There's something special about that little girl. " I get up and walk up to the children who have completed the poster.

They all look pleased with the end results and they should be. The team effort has paid off and the poster is so touching and personal.

"Jakey, get your butt over here and help us put this up". I shout out loud towards the kitchen.

Jake enters a few seconds later. He had a floral apron on and has flour in his hair. The children giggle at the sight.

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