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It is the start of the photoshoot, everyone is busy. Designs USA are all set, their first location is at Lourve Museum, call time is 8 AM. "Allen, can you call Raz? It is already 7:30 but they're not here yet." "Yes, Director." Allen called Raz, "Hello Raz, good morning, where are you?" "We're on our way, give us 10 minutes." "Okay." "Director Kim, do you want to have some iced coffee?" "Yes, Allen please." After few minutes, Allen gave the iced coffee to Jem.

Alex and her team arrived in the venue. "Everyone, please gather here. Today is our first day, let's do our best." -Jem "Yes, Director Kim!" - Models and Staff. On Jem's back, someone whispered, "where should we start?" Jem was shocked and dropped her iced coffee, "What the F" She turned around and saw Alex' face. She stared at Alex' face and tears start falling down. "Hey, are you okay?" Alex asked her, she's also shocked because Jem is crying. Jem's staff rushed to her, "Director Kim, are you okay?" "I-i-i didn't do anything." Alex is stepping backwards, "Raz, buy her iced coffee maybe she cried because of that."

"Director Kim?" Allen is tapping Jem. "Are you okay?" "Yeah, I am." Jem walked out to compose herself. "Allen, is your boss okay?" -Raz "I think so." "Here's the iced coffee." "Thanks." "Raz, what's her deal? I didn't do anything." "I know boss, maybe she's just stressed or what." "Let's start the photoshoot." Jem is still in the washroom, she remembered what Rain told her that Alex forgot everything. "Jem, you need to be strong. You're here for work, set aside your emotions." Jem is talking to herself. Alex approached Jem, "Hi, Alex Manoban. Your official photographer." "Hi, Jem Kim the Director of Designs USA." They shook hands.

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