Chapter 1: Who You Callin' Smeet?

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Walking down the busied corridors, Invader [Y/n], One of Irks most brilliant invaders, was walking down to the control room.
Her unusual strange appearance caught the attention of anyone who's ever seen her, mainly because of a tragic accident she was in.
Though it was not like anyone cared for her skills was greatly recognized, and her wit and power defined her. She was even named The Tallest's right hand Irken, which was.. less important than it sounded.

The most she ever did for them was go on snack hunts and destroy a few planets, she does look over most of the work that goes on in The Massive, but what she doesn't expect was them to be so.. chill with everything.
They even asked her to hang out with them once, what on Irk do the Tallest even trust with her?! She couldn't really understand it, all she knew was that they liked her better than Invader Jim.
Now that's saying something.

She walks up the aisle, in between her Masters, her posture straight and her appearance clean.

"Oh hey [Y/n]. We're about to check in with some of the Invaders to see their progress." Red says sipping on what appears to be a fast-food drink.

"Yeah, and since you're like, the best, we wanted to see if you think any of the upcoming Invaders are gonna be any good." Purple finishes, stuffing a donut in his mouth.

"Understood," she answers almost robotically. "But first, I have.. A question." Both of the Tallest's look down at her, surprised.

"Oh, Okay. Ask away." She shuffles a bit messing with one of her feet.

"While I was gone invading the colony of Gloomsherperkims, why did The Massive temporarily disconnect from my ship?" She asks, almost sounding a little pissed off. She wasn't the one for mistakes or things going wrong. Things had to go according to plan or else everything else is ruined.
The Tallest look at each other as if not sure how to explain it.

"We.. Got caught up in a Florpus Hole." [Y/n]'s eyes widen a bit, looking surprised.

"B-but.. That only happens when an entire planet moves light years away from their original spot, who has the power to do such a thing?!" She asks bewildered.

"Zim," Purple mutters under his breath.

"Yeah, apparently in an attempt to get us to notice him, Zim moved earth directly in our path so we could conquer it.. I guess." Says Red finishing his drink, "It was a total nightmare." He grabs a bag of chips to munch on.

"It was." Purple shudders slightly remembering how the multiple realities almost tore his core apart into tiny little pieces.

"It seems this Zim character is a nuisance." She comments, looking up at the big screen of the flight plan. The Tallest's agree with her without much thought.
Until one of the pilots spoke up.
"MY TALLEST, there seems to be an incoming transmission."

"Hm, maybe that's one of the new Invaders saying they were successful." [Y/n] says thoughtfully.

"Probably, send that transmission through! I wonder who it could be.."

Suddenly the three Irkens found themselves pleasantly listening to one of the most insane rambles any irken can muster.
"MY TALLEST! I am eager to inform you of my most GENIUS PLAN EVER!! I have found out that-" he stops mid-sentence when he notices her standing in between them.
"...My Tallest, who is that small little weird looking smeet in between you two?" She instantly was ticked off.

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