Chapter 18: you & me

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"Tak please!" Dawn pleaded as he tried to pry the purple-eyed Irken off of Zim's screeching form. Dawn pulled on her arms as she tried to claw Zim's eyes out. Tak let out a loud battle cry and pounced on him. She was practically trying to rip his face off. Dawn pulled one last time and got Tak to lay off.
She huffed as she straightens herself. Zim lied on the floor with his eyes covered by his hands. He breathed heavily since he LITERALLY just got attacked. His face was scratched at violently and he was bleeding from some of the scratches.

"You are savage as ever!"

"Damn right." Dawn sighs as he shakes his head at the two.

"We need to get moving, we haven't even finished our search through the west side. At the rate we're going we'll never find her." He says as he starts walking. Tak eyed Zim before continuing with Dawn. Gir helped his master up before briskly following them.

The recent interaction confirmed that Tak still indeed want to murder Zim in cold bold. Zim cursed under his breath as he unbent one of his lekku's. He knew Tak would hold a grudge but almost forgot how strong she actually was. He brushed this off however.
What really mattered him to the most at the moment was [Y/n]. Truthfully, even if he would never admit it himself, he could care less about the Massive being completely obliterated if [Y/n] was dead. Was there even a point if his [Y/n] mate wasn't there to rule over the earth with him?

No, no there wasn't.

They continued in strained silence. Dawn being nervous and Tak being annoyed. Gir and Aro followed closely behind the pair while Zim hung loosely behind. As much as he didn't like it, he knew that they had to lead since they knew the place better. It had been a long while since Zim had been in the spacecraft. Besides, he didn't know who his enemy was. If they took the massive in under a few hours then then had to be strong.
Even as much as his pride for being an Irken was hurt, he made sure to make them suffer later. Dawn suddenly stopped, making Gir trip noisily. Cue Zim getting upset with the S.I.R Unit.

"What is it?" Tak asked, her tone annoyed.

"Look." Dawn pointed ahead of them. There she was. At the end of the hallway. In her attire, seemingly unharmed. Her hair was a bit undone, but nothing out of the ordinary. She stood there, her lekku's twitching every now and then. She was holding something but Dawn couldn't see what it was. Zim quickly pushed the two Irken aside so he could see better. Tak let out a noise of bitterness when she got shoved.
Zim's metaphorical heart leaped in his throat. Even if he denied her possible death, he was internally relieved she was alright. The confirmation made his lekku's fold backwards out of relief.


The sudden sound made her turn to the group, and his smile instantly collapsed. Blood painted the front of her uniform. She was holding a dead Irken by the neck. Their limbs were torn off and she looked like was about to rip their head off. What's even worse was the expression on her face. The dead cold look in her eyes told Zim something was wrong. Something was incredibly wrong.
Her mouth in a neutral line and she had an overall bored look on her bloodstained face. She blinked before letting go of the body, it fell to the floor easily. She wiped some blood off her face which in turn smeared across her cheek.

The three Irkens all stiffened once she started walking towards them. All of them equally confused as they were surprised at the scene they were just presented with. Zim found his feet glued to the floor as his mind screeched at him to talk, to MOVE. Zim was an invader, he had killed hundreds before. He even accidentally killed some of his fellow Irkens himself. Even then, that was during Impending Doom 1.
He knew that she was violent but never driven to actually kill one of her kind, even when she fought with him. [Y/n] walked slowly, as if to silently mock him for his sudden rush of fear. To mock all of them that they were hesitating while keeping that bored expression on her face. The taps of her boots were soft, Aro was the first to break the tense silence as she scurried over.

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