Chapter 9: Panic pills [Lime? Pff, Idk]

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(Eyy guys, I just wanna let you know that I'm sorry for what you are about to read. Just don't sacrifice me to satannn-)

  It's Thursday, and all the days before that were awkward and weird for Dib. Like really weird.

  The day was dreary and boring as the two siblings walked down the sidewalk in the morning. Gaz's nose was stuck in her GS4 as Dib muttered theories to himself. He adjusted his glasses when he saw Zim and [Y/n] up ahead speaking to each other, Zim seemed annoyed as [Y/n] looked like she was joking about carelessly. Dib narrowed his eyes in slight suspicion, wondering what they were talking about.
  Too bad he didn't have his mini microphones so he could hear their conversation. He did, however, observe their movements. [Y/n] stayed close to Zim, which definitely was weird these past days. Normally Zim would keep his distance since didn't care for her being close, as it would often make him uncomfortable.

What really threw Dib off was when she took Zim's hand in hers casually.

'What in the actual..?!?!'

  Zim said something to make her laugh, in return it only made him get flustered then make her laugh harder. Dib questioned reality to see the two get along more than usually. It pushed him off the edge. He wasn't jealous or anything like that, he only saw [Y/n] as a friend. So, as you can imagine it was hard for him not to stomp over there and separate them. He only wanted to protect her, was she under some kind of mind spell Zim put on her?! Or maybe he threatened her? The possibilities were almost endless. Dib stuffed his hands in his pockets huffing, Gaz seemed to sense this as she rose a brow.

"What's up with you?"

"[Y/n] and Zim have been acting suspicious lately." She snorts as she pressed a few buttons on her console.

"Suspicious huh?"

"Yeah, they've been acting all buddy buddy and it's starting to creep me out on how Zim doesn't push her off like he usually would." Gaz only grins slightly, she was glad that her friend was able to solve her crush problem.

"Why are you smiling like that? Do you know why she's acting like that Gaz?!" Gaz only shakes her head, she didn't want Dib knowing that [Y/n] was romantically involved with Zim. He's so stubborn he would be convinced that Zim was using Mind Control. Gaz resorts back to her usual poker face as she responds to her over obsessive brother.

"They're probably crushing on each other or something stupid."


"I said probably."


  Throughout the day, Dib kept an eye on the two Irkens, the fact that he couldn't hear what they were saying only itched his curiosity. Were they really crushing on each other? The signs were there.. But Dib refused to think his only friend was in love with his sworn enemy! Like, come on, what's so appealing about Zim? He was a loud, obnoxious, and self centered alien who could give less than two shits about anyone. So why was his douchey attitude replaced by a stuttering boy when it came to [Y/n]?? 
  The fact that [Y/n] and Zim now we're stuck together like glue didn't help Dib at all. He was going to follow the two home, but Gaz had pulled him by the ear for spying them all day and said he needed a break. His protests were silenced when she said it was his turn to pick a place for Family Night. Which only happens once a year.

Speaking of the two Irkens, currently they were on the couch, watching movies.

  Normally Zim wouldn't sit around and watch TV but when [Y/n] had insisted it was for research he reluctantly agreed. Aro had provided unlimited snacks as they watched the big screen. They both observed the strange actions the humans were preforming.

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