|Halloween Special| A Scarer, Thats What you are

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You examined the pumpkin in your hands as you stood in the middle of the kitchen, next to the table. Gir and Aro were carving the large vegetables. Gir was more of destroying the thing. The kitchen and living room was decorated in strange black and orange bats, skeletons, and witches. You didn't know what the tiny S.I.R Units were doing but they seemed to have fun.

"Um.. Aro?" Aro's gold glowing optics turned to look towards you.

"Yes, Master?"

"What are.. You guys doing?" She perked up as she set her carving knife down.

"We're getting ready for Halloween tonight!"

"Halloween?" She nods eagerly as she steps onto the table. Her optics projected kids in cute and/or scary costume things. The hologram changes every time she spoke.

"Kids celebrate Halloween by dressing up in costumes and going down to door in the neighborhood asking for candy. Parties and other events are hosted as well for adults and teenagers. Haunted houses, carnivals, and especially having fun is the main objective of this night. Though the origins of Halloween are dated, it's the one night of the year where humans love to get scared!" She buzzed excitedly as she explained. "Me and Gir are going trick or treating tonight, we made costumes for ourselves!" Her headcap popped open and she pulled out a astronaut helmet. "I'm going as an human astronaut! The adults can't tell the difference since it'll cover my head!" Aro says as she puts it back. Smart. You glance over at Gir, who was stuffing his face with pumpkin seeds.

"What are you going as Gir?"

"Toamst!" What? "It's GONNA HAVE J E L L Y ON ITTTT!" he screams as he happily stuffs his face with more pumpkin guts. I mean, if he wants to go as toast then so be it.

You heard the door open and close and felt your lekku's twitch at a familiar presence, Zim grumbles as he climbs in the trashcan. He had multiple eggs thrown at him, and toilet paper chained to his ankle. You raised a brow as you opened your mouth at his appearance.

"What happened, Zim?" He grumbles before turning to you, annoyance slapped on his face.. And some yolk.

"The Dib-Stink thought it would be funny to pull a prank on Zim," he huffs out before crossing his arms. Clearly upset. "Now I have to wash this off my uniform—" prank huh? Welp, time for war. You put the pumpkin down on the table carefully before walking over. You wiped some egg off of him.

"Well, Halloween's coming up. We could get him back." He perked up almost instantly.

"Hah! REVENGE! PERFECT! I just need to find out how." You smiled lightly as you wiped his cheek. A notable blue dusted his cheeks at this small action. Aro did say humans liked to be scared during this time of year. So why not give Dib a scare? It would sure be fun. Gaz might even join in.

"I got it, I know just the right way to get to him." You told him as you walked back to the table. You look over to Aro's half finished pumpkin, it had a sinister look to it. You got an idea almost instantly. "Dib loves the paranormal, but I know it also scares him. All we have to do is make it scary." You picked up your pumpkin again before smirking wickedly, feeling a bit sadistic about the plan forming in your mind.

"We'll scare him dead." Zim stared at you, blinking a few times. He only caught a glimpse of the bloodlust in your eyes, he wanted to see more of it. You could tell by the slightly appalled expression on his face. "What?"

"Eh-? Oh,.. N-nothing." He looked away before fake coughing. "Anyway, you were saying?"


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