Chapter 16: If you can't beat 'em,

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The thundering of the storm was loud, and could be heard by everyone in the neighborhood. No one was outside as the clouds cried an seemingly endless amount of salt water tears. The rain clashed against the windows of the oddly shaped house, the large satellite dish tempting to attract lightning, it would only cause the power to go out, but of course neither of the S.I.R's Units knew that as they stuffed their faces with all kinda of junk food.

The oversized TV lit the living room brightly as the cartooned played out, Gir enjoyed it more than Aro. Though this would come naturally as Aro found it more difficult to enjoy anything as of late. The small robot sat on the floor next to her friend, watching the TV mindlessly. Or she tried to anyway.


"Yessssfffffff?" He had a pizza slice stuck in his mouth, he didn't seem to mind though.

"Do you have any recollection or information concerning Pirates?" Gir blinked, and slowly shook his head. He was oblivious to her words, she was talking to fancy. She sighed. "I mean, have you ever heard of Pirates?" Gir nodded as he stuffs the rest of the pizza in his mouth and zoomed off somewhere. He came back holding a DVD case and passed it to her. Pirates of the Caribbean. It was a movie. "Gir, that's not what I meant."

"So you don't wanna watch it?" Aro blinks before easily giving up. She knew he wouldn't know anything about it. What did she expect? He didn't even have a processor, just some paper clips and nails or something. But she couldn't complain, he wouldn't be who he was if he wasn't made up of literal garbage. She didn't mind taking care of him, since her master was gone fighting off a whole fleet of aliens while Zim was still in the VR room, thinking he was conquering planet Jupiter or something.

"Yeah sure-" a loud thunderclap rung out outside before lightning struck the satellite dish of top of the roof. The lights went out swiftly, leaving the two in the dark. "Of course." Aro mutters before standing. Aro's eyes went into flashlight mode as they brightly lit up the room. Gir follows suit, the colors of gold and light blue filled the room. "The power went out, Gir, can you go see if there's a panel in the lab?" Gir nods as he goes into the kitchen. He climbs into oven and closed the door. Aro face palms as she groans quietly.

"The LAB Gir."

"Oh yeahhhhh!" He jumps into the toilet and flushes himself down. Aro decides to go outside to see if there was a panel on the back.

Zim blinks a few times, trying to adjust to the sudden darkness, he looked around. Why was he back on the lab? Just a second ago he was conquering the planet with his [Y/n]-mate. They had just declared the earth theirs. Zim rubbed his eyes as he stood up. His lekku's twitched sensing footsteps draw near. A memory then came to him.

[Y/n] must have accidentally left him in here, maybe she had cleaned up the lab already?

"[Y/n]-mate?" He called out loudly, while walking out. It was unnaturally dark. The faint glow from his PAK only gave an indication of where he was. He walked cautiously in the hallway, unsure if maybe it was Dib who caused the absence of light. He wandered for a while until he heard familiar metal clanking. "GIR??" The clanking stopped.


"Gir come to me at once!" The metal clanking resumed as they grew louder and closer. A blue light pierced the darkness like a sword, Gir appeared infront of the Irken with the biggest smile. Gir hugged his master leg tightly.

"MASTER YOU'RE NOT DEAD!" Zim scowls as he kicks Gir off of him. Gir face plants into the floor, but quickly scrambled to get up again.

"Of course I'm not dead! Why is it so dark in here?!" Gir scratches his head as it tilts to the side.

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