Chapter 15: Me and my Broken Ribs

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  It's been two months since the attack of the Space Pirates. The worst two months by far. They were still on the ship, setting a course for Irk. THEY SET UP A COURSE FOR IRK N O W. Like, now now, like TWO MONTHS lNOW.

Procrastination ladies and gentlemen, procrastination.

You didn't know whether to scream or gouge your eyes out. You sat on the floor of the kitchen, your friend Tak chewing on a candy stick. Irkens left and right was working, all of them exhausted. The Captain had ordered a feast. A DAMN F E A S T, AND FOR WHAT?!

"I'm going to murder somebody." Tak slightly snickers.

"I sense you're losing your patience."

"You notice just now?!" Tak shrugs. You groan and hug your knees. It's been a few long months. Trying not to snap at the Pirates who partied constantly in the Massive like it was nothing was extremely hard. The plan you had devised was working perfectly so far, and you had an idea of how to get them off. Thankfully, the plan you had made was going into effect today. The day they just set the destination for Irk. After everyone is served, you were planning to start the blood bath. All the Pirates would be in one place, eating. You would be able to take advantage of this and band everyone together to stop the course and murder the pirates easily.
You felt your previously mentioned patience chip away with every tap of your black boot. The kitchen practically drowned everyone with the smell of cooked meat. Irkens didn't eat meat, you could call them vegans if you wanted to. Tak's lekku's twitched slightly at the sound of one of the doors opening, you two looked over to find a wary Invader Dawn. He had a couple of scratches on his face. His clothes were ruffled as he adjusted one of his gloves, a tired expression reached his face.

"Dawn?" He looked towards you. You were going to question his slight alteration in appearance, but before you opened your mouth he blurted out a dry answer.

"I hate Pirates." He exhaled sharply as his lekku's folded backward, obviously bitter. "They tried to eat me. They complained they were too hungry to wait for dinner." He sat beside Tak, who offered him a candy packet, who took it silently thanking her.

"Well, at least we only have a few minutes until they serve. Then we can put the plan into motion." You respond. Tak nods, agreeing.

"There aren't that many of them, but they do deliver unbelievable damage. We have to be careful not be thrown around like rag dolls." You snort at this comment.

"Says the one who got blasted off the earth from the least threatening invader of the ranks." She glared at you, an immediate frown placed on his lips.

"Says the one who supposedly fell in love with the idiot." You felt your cheeks sting slightly as you grinned sheepishly. You had told Tak about the weird relationship you had with Zim, even if she was absolutely disgusted by this fact, she didn't care since she was already burned out from trying to kill him. It didn't mean she still didn't hate him with the passion of a billion suns though. She half-apologized in advance if she sees the male Irken in the future and her instincts kick in. You, of course, took this as a joke but knew she was going to attempt it anyway.

"Point taken." Dawn gave you a concerned look before sticking the candy stick in his mouth.

"Anyway, ..we never really discussed what's going to happen with Almighty Tallest Red." Both you and Tak felt your minds blank. You glanced at each other before looking at Dawn.

"Most likely he'll just choose the next tallest Irken or whatever." Tak brushed off the concern for him easily, she knew he'd manage. "We will retrieve him once we kill every Pirate aboard; if we're lucky we might get to destroy their ship as revenge." A sinister tone laced her words, she liked the idea of revenge. You rolled your eyes at the thought, you'd rather banish them to a Florpus hole. That is by far the better punishment.

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