Chapter 12: Served With a Side of Fries

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The pair of Irkens walked down the street, hand in hand as they talked mindlessly with each other. Skool ended maybe a few hours ago, and they were coming back from wandering around, [Y/n] had suggested looking around since the woods of the park were especially overgrown with beautiful greenery.

Zim had taken notice of her fascination with the earth's plants since there wasn't anything closely similar on Irk. Although, he didn't care much for it. Even still, however, he wasn't used to her gazed and slightly amazed look whenever she examined a specific type of flower she found pleasant to look at. 

As they walked closer to Zim's outlandish looking home, both of them noticed something was off. What was off you may ask? Pssh, I don't know, MAYBE ITS BECAUSE OF THE WOODEN FENCING THAT WAS RIPPED OFF THE GROUND AND THE GNOMES THAT WERE TOSSED AROUND? Not to mention the door was holding on by a single hinge. One of the windows was broken as well. Zim instantly was alarmed and ran ahead of [Y/n], she stayed behind since she knew he was going to scream his head off at Gir, who most likely did this.

"COMPUTER! Where is GIR?!"

"In the lab." Zim jumped in the toilet and instantly started searching for Gir, probably to revoke his Taco Tuesday nights. Oh boy, the tiny robot is not gonna like that. Chuckling softly to herself, [Y/n] takes a seat on the couch tired from all the things that happened today. She got comfortable, closing her eyes with a sigh. She could hear Zim's voice from all the way in the lab. Gir probably trashed the place. Maybe Aro too, but that less likely since she still facing some technical difficulties with her body and leg magnetism.
She felt at peace for a little while before the TV buzzed. Opening an eye lazily, she looked at the screen boredly.

"Incoming call from The Massive"

'The Tallests.. '

She slid off the couch and accepted the call. She was surprised to find Almighty Tallest Red standing alone, the control room crumbling to pieces as the doors were barricaded with numerous things to keep an unknown threat out.

"My Tallest-"

"[Y/n], we're under attack. Whatever is left of the soldiers on the armada is trying to fight back. Though, we're all probably gonna get murdered. No doubt about it." Red sighs, seeming to have given up on caring. His lekku's lower in hopelessness. "I'm calling you because, at this point, I know that The Massive can't be taken back. As skillful as you are [Y/n], you cannot defeat a whole fleet of space pirates alone."

"Sir I-"

"Listen, I just want you to know that in case other Tallest's like us ever get cocky, just tell em' not to make the same mistakes me and ..Purple did." Red weakly smiles at [Y/n]. Why did he say Purple's name with such hesitance? Where was Purple anyway?

"Sir, where is-" she was interrupted by the barricaded door in the background. Which started break. A sharp sword broke through and basically sliced the metallic door open. Red's lekku's perked up at the sudden intrusion.
The door was kicked off and a wave of bandits flooded the control room. They seized Tallest Red with ease, as he didn't bother to fight back. Many of the pirates took the seats of the Control Room, waiting for what seemed like a command. [Y/n]'stood in the middle of the living room, utterly shocked, and mostly confused about why this was happening. She never imagined the Irken Empire crumbling this way— and by pirates of all things.

Once every one of tentacle haired pirates settled into silence, a pirate taller than the others strides up the aisle. Hands behind his back and a sword attached to his belt, he stood next to Red. He was convincingly menacing, his pupil-less eyes narrowed slightly as he stared into the large screen in front of him. His serious face suddenly broke out into a smug sharp smile.

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