|CRACK| Fuk u Keef

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"alright bitch move over."

you pushed Dib aside, you were about to rip Keefs head off at this point. 

Currently, you were all outside, like regular kids do. Of course, as soon as you leave Zim unattended for like 20 minutes, Zims ex-friend and stalker comes, and sexually harrases him.   Like normal ex-friends and stalkers do. 

Keef kept bragging on and on about how great Zim was. YEs he was great, but bitch don't be a suck up; no one likes suck ups. Like, if it wasn't obvious already, You already claimed Zim so WTF KEEF GET UR OWN ALIEN. 

"-and I love your house! And your clothes! and espaically your pretty purple eyes~" He leaned towards to the alien, who was too stupid to realize that Keef was crossing your lines. Many, many, manyyyyyyy lines.

"Hah! of course you do! I AM ZIM!" Zim held a cocky smirk on his face as he stood there. Before the orange-haired boy could go further in his confession of love, you appear, with your normal blank face. 
  Ready to rip his eyes out again. 

"Keef." He turned towards you. 


You had this problem for a while now. You knew Keef just wanted to get in Zims pants. fuckin gay. You clenched your fists, hesitant to throw them. H did that at least 7 times this month. IT was ANNOYING-

"Can you like, not try to rape my friend?" Hah, can't say mate, DIBS THEREEE. 

"Can you like, shut the fuck up?" 

Thats it, tear his fucking head off. You lunged at him, aiming for the throat. He pulled on your hair as you both toppled to the ground. A circle of students instantly formed as they watched. They started chanting when you start to come out on top, bc lets face it, keefs weak af and your way stronger. 





"BREAK HER ARMM-" an many more chants related to violence. 


"AND WHY DO YOU ACT LIKE HIS MOM?!??" punching him in the gut, he doubled over in pain. You tugged on his hair harshly, putting his face in the ground. Putting a foot on his back to make sure he couldnt move, and then twisted his leg like they taught you in 1903. 

HE screamed in pain like the little bitch that he was and curled up in a ball. you wiped the blood off your face as you stepped off. The kids raved on how you just broke this kids les mercilessly.

These people were twisted. 

  Zim looked at you almost in awe. but you couldnt really tell bc he was also terrified of what just went down. Grabbing his arm, you dragged him away from the scene of the crime as a couple of teachers ruched out to help Keef. 

leaning over, you whispered to him,

"Don't forget that you're mine."


yes, you just read that, and yes i dont care. I dont really hate keef, honest to god he just needs a friend.

@kookfucc ahaha im dead insideeee

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