Chapter 2: Surprise In a Box

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The doorbell went off.
"GIR! Get the door!"

"Yes, Master!" The tiny S.I.R Unit walks up to the door and was greeted by the UPS guy.

"I have a package for mister.. Zim?" The robot took the box and signed the clipboard. The guy drove away and Gir goes back inside with the box.

"Master, what's in the box?" Zim, who was taking off his disguise walks up to the box. He wore a confused but curious look on his face.

"I don't know Gir, it better be not one of the Dibs attempts on trying to get my organs." He says opening it slowly. It was not one of Dibs attempts on trying to expose Zim, instead, it was a person.

"Ugh god, why does everything hurt?" She cracks her neck and yawns. She had a sticky note attached to the side of her face. Zim takes it, resisting to threaten the random human shipped to him.

'Hey [Y/n],

If you ever wake up and read this, yes we did send you in a cardboard box to Zim's house. We thought it would be funny. We also found your old S.I.R unit. It's in the box with you.
Hope you do alright,

Your Masters,
The Almighty Tallest '

  His eyes widen as he realizes that this was the Invader he was speaking to on the monitor.
And she was more human than Irken that's for sure.
  She straightens up, her antennas straightening out then curling back again. She wiped her eyes to see where she was. She didn't move for a second until her eyes land on Zim. She instantly jerked backward alarmed, the box falling over.


Zim stares at her. He straightens up and puts his hands behind his back.

"Well look who showed up. [Y/n] was it?" She grunts and gets up, kicking the box to the side.

"Yeah. You're Zim huh? You.. look a lot smaller in real life." She responds. He narrows his eyes at her. She was definitely taller, he seems annoyed by this.

"Do not take the puny height difference as you being superior to ZIM! We BOTH know that I'm the most amazing here! Besides, I'm sure the Tallest made a mistake."

"As if," She looks around. The place seemed unkempt, she scowled in disgust when she noticed his obvious broken S.I.R Unit stuffing his face with nachos and various kinds of snacks. It was making a mess.
"Your S.I.R Unit seems... broken, What is he doing?" Zim looked back at the robot.

"Oh, that's just Gir."

"What's the G stand for?"

"I dunno."

[Y/n] sighs while shaking her head, she wanders off into the kitchen.

"So where's your lab or whatever?" Zim follows her.

"You can go through the trash or toilet," She turns to him.

"...What's a toilet? It sounds awful." He nods in agreement.

"It's what humans use to-" He didn't get to finish by the loud banging on the front door, there seemed to be a small human child with a weird hair cut.

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