Chapter 3: Gir 2.0

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[Y/n] sat there, a bit confused at the question.

"S-sad? No, I'm perfectly fine!" The S.I.R Unit stares up at her then narrowed its optics in what appeared to be worry and suspicion.

"You sound like Master, and your eye identification matches Master.. But you don't look like Master." [Y/n] straightens out slightly at the robot's words.

"Oh,.. Well. They said I got into an accident, I think it was right after a mission. I don't remember much of what happened. I don't remember much at all actually. It's all fuzzy. They fixed me... Poorly though." She sighs as the robot sat down in front of her.

"Well, since you have memory problems I will introduce myself." She salutes, her color turning red. "I am ARO! You renamed me when I was first assigned to you! The name means Atonomic Robotic Organism! You had given me slight sentience for better communication and to advance in my information retrieving process!" Her color turns back to gold, and she put her hand down. "I hope that cleared things up."

"Oh, thank you. That did. Do you have any memory files that could trace back to what happened before you were damaged?" Aro stands up.

"Scanning now." A few seconds go by until the robot started glitching. "Insufficient d-d-data, malf-f-f-functioning-"She suddenly twitched and threw her servos in the air.

"-AND THERE WAS A hUgE SODA CAN WHERE ALL THE LITTLE PIGGIESS COULD LIVE! YEEEEHAW!" Aro jumps off the table and started causing a mess while screaming out nonsense.

"What th-" [Y/n] dodged out of the way of all the stuff and things flying all over the place.

"SO THEY LIVED HAPPILY EVER AFTER! UNTIL THE BIG BAD RABBIT CAME AND STARTED USIN' THEM AS FLOWERS!!-" Aro ran across the monitor's control panel and things started going haywire, it was absolute discord. [Y/n] started chasing after the robot, in hopes to fix her chaotic behavior. The S.I.R Unit threw herself into the elevator and traveled upstairs.

Instantly, she was nervous about what was going to happen. The pit of her Squeedlyspooch twisted and turned in worry as she waited for the elevator, but to her, it was taking too long. She spotted a chute and assumed it was going to take her up in an instant.
[Y/n] was hesitant, but stood under it anyway. She felt herself being sucked up and she stuck her head out to find herself in the kitchen... in the toilet.

Ugh, Zim's design choices were questionable. She pulled herself out and stepped into the kitchen. Aro was raiding the refrigerator, throwing all the weird-looking food and snacks out onto the floor. She was giggling and muttering things to herself. Something about waffles and detergent.

'She's distracted.. I think I'll be able to catch her. If I can fix her then I can make her clean up the lab.'

Carefully, she steps quietly toward Aro trying to control her breathing so it goes silent. She made her way directly behind the robot and before she could snatch her out off of the floor, the robots head turned 180 degrees to look up at her.
Lowkey got spooked.
Aro laughs as she slides between [Y/n]'s legs, this caught the Irken off guard as the S.I.R Unit was running towards the still bickering idiots by the door. Aro jumps up on Dib, hugging his shirt.
Zim and Dib were both thrown off by the random robot interjecting into the argument.

"YO WASSUP POPS?!" The poor boys face twisted in confusion.

"What?" Before Aro could say anymore [Y/n] yells from the inside.

"ZIM, THAT'S MY S.I.R UNIT PLEASE CATCH HER-" Without another word Zim understands what's going on and ripped Aro from Dib's shirt. Tearing some of it slightly.

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