Chapter 4: The Human Boy Named Dib

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(This is a long one buckle up BOIS)

  She awoke with a jolt, Zim stood over her with an annoyed expression on his face. His eyes were a shiny ruby red as he lekku's were folded back, twitching every few seconds.

"Invader [Y/n]! What are you doing?!" She rubs one of her eyes and sat up.

"What's it look like? I'm taking a nap-" he interrupts her.

"WE HAVE NO SUCH TIME FOR NAPPING!! I must inform you of something very very important. The pitiful hyooman children attend a knowledge gathering program known as Skool. I, Zim, have been attending this Skool to blend in with the hyoomans. My disguise fools them all! All except for one. Now, I suggest you go down to my lab and retrieve your disguise. If you wish to blend in with the disgusting worm babies, THEN GO NOW!
Be HONORED, that I'm sharing this information with you. Not everyone can bask in the glory of Zim."
She blinks, only understanding half of what he said but nodded slightly anyway.

"Okay.. So where's my S.I.R Unit?"

"Down in the lab with Gir, they're picking out disguises." She slides off the couch and stretches a bit.

"Right, listen, Zim, I dunno if I wanna wear contacts. Aren't those irritating? Also pretty sure my lekku's won't be able to fold backward in my hair all day trying to blend in with the humans."

"Do not worry my fellow invader! I already have the solution for that, in case you weren't going to follow my original plan!" He takes out a small clip from his pocket and messed with it a bit. "Here, put this on your body, someplace where it won't get knocked off easily."
  She takes it and puts it in her hair, suddenly her appearance changed. Both of her eyes were now a regular (e/c) and her lekku's were invisible, but yet she could still feel them move around. Both of her hands were now five-fingered and her teeth weren't as sharp.

"Huh. Impressive technology." He beamed at her words.

"It's a simple hologram! I retrieved it off one of my enemies. It even fooled me at first." He mumbled the last part be she could hear him just fine.

"Aha, okay. Well, why didn't you use it for yourself?"

"Quite simple really, the Dib hyooman and I often fight, whether it be verbal or physical. The hologram you're wearing doesn't do well if it gets damaged. Plus, I've been to Skool for a while, it would make the idiotic children confused if Zim suddenly changed appearance." He made a good point.

"Good point, so... how does this skool thing work?" He walks past her and into the kitchen.

"I will tell you all about this horrible place, ONCE Gir and Aro finish, and after I get my disguise."    He steps into the trashcan and plummets underground. [Y/n] looks outside through the tinted windows. She was pleasantly surprised to see how calm everything seemed, she guessed it was morning by the smooth transition from blues and purples to yellows and oranges.
  The stars seemed to be disappearing, a bright sun was starting to rise. This transition was absolutely gorgeous.
  She gave the earth some credit for the nice sky display. She wanted to roam and see the rest of the uncharted world. But she had to wait for Zim.

  Wait a minute. She's a high ranking Invader, she doesn't have to listen to him. Without another thought, she twists the knob and steps outside. She notices the little people on the lawn, she walked over to one and poked it with her foot. When it didn't react she assumed it was an inanimate object.

  Stepping onto the sidewalk she could see that the neighborhood goes on for miles, it looked endless. The cookie-cutter houses made Zim's current place of living stand out greatly, the vibrant contrasting colors clashed with the dull boring colors of the houses next to his. She took note of this, how much he stood out compared to others.

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