Chapter 7: Gaz; the Therapist

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The large screens lit the room as Gaz focused on the game she was playing. [Y/n] laid on her friend's bed stuffing her face with jolly ranchers and jawbreakers as she tried to figure out how to play the red colored Game Slave 4. She slowly started to learn, she found herself enjoying it. Soon, she paused the game and looked up at the game Gaz was playing, a huge "MISSION COMPLETE" text popped up as Gaz cheered.

"WOOO- in your face Boogie784!!" She bounced from her custom made gamer chair and stretched. "Few, that got a lot out of me. We should head to Bloaty's." [Y/n] sat up, unsure if she should. She couldn't exactly eat it.

"Um.. okay sure. I'm not really hungry though." Gaz nods as she turns off the game.

"Yeah I know, you've been munching on all my candy for the past hour." [Y/n] stops herself for reaching more from the half-empty bowl. She retracts her hand and put it in her pockets as if she totally wasn't going to grab more. She gave Gaz a sheepish smile.

"S-Sorry." Gaz only chuckles.

"It's fine, I don't care. Now come on, Bloaty's closes in a few hours." [Y/n] stands up and heads after the girl. The two head out the house, not before saying goodbye to Gaz's father, Professor Membrane. He was nice, all sciencey and smart. [Y/n] liked talking about quantum physics with him whenever Gaz or Dib isn't around. They walked to the food chain restaurant while holding some type of conversation.

"So.. Mariokart huh?"

"Yup and Dib sucks at it." Both of them chuckle as Gaz ordered the slices. She also ordered a drink for [Y/n], it was an extra-sugary fruit punch only made at that restaurant. Gaz knew that [Y/n]'s body could only take some form of sugar, but didn't question why. The two sit down as they continue chatting, the Irken suddenly changes the conversation.

"Hey uh,.. Gaz? Can I ask you something?" She took a bite out of her pizza as she responded.

"Just did aha, but sure. Shoot."[Y/n] slightly sighs, this caught Gaz's attention.

"I.. uh.. I got a problem."

"Alright, what is it?" [Y/n] sits there, wondering how to correctly word what she was about to say, her heart beat slowly, ringing in her nonexistent ears. She felt complicated about how she felt at that moment. Gaz was pretty smart so she was sure to ask her, but she might get suspicious.

"How do you uh.. Know when.. Know when you. Um.. Like someone?" The girls face held confusion for a minute before getting what she was asking.

"Ohhh, you mean like crush on somebody?" [Y/n] became alarmed at her statement.

"C-crush?! Do you people crush each other?? Oh, that sounds AWFUL-" Gaz laughs shaking her head.

"No, you IDIOT! It's when you like the person romantically! Has no one ever told you about this??" [Y/n] slowly shakes her head no and Gaz sighs smiling a little.

"You must have been living under a rock man, okay here I'll tell you about it." Gaz takes a bite out of her pizza before continuing. "When you have a crush on somebody, usually means you want to date them or get to know them better, worst-case scenario they don't feel the same way as you do." [Y/n] took a sip of her drink as she listened. "Your crush will make you feel all warm and gooey inside. Make you feel like your heart is racing and all that jazz. No one really can do it properly, but in most cases, you just have to ask them out."

"Ask them out?"

"Go on a date [Y/n]."

"Ooohhhh.." Gaz eats the crust of the pizza as she continues.

"Why are you asking anyway? Got a crush on Zim or something?"

"How did yo-"

"I played a lot of videogames in my short life span [Y/n], I know all the cliches and all the plot twists. Like come on, you only hang out with Zim or my brother and occasionally Keef but that's rare."

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