Chapter 8: Confused, Yet Very Mixed Feelings

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The two stared at eachother silently, as Gir messily stuffs his face with popcorn. Aro had joined in but she added honey to hers.

"Talking about me huh?" She quirked an eyebrow in question as Zim noticeably regained his nervous posture.

"Your name was only mentioned twice! Zim has no need to dwell on a lesser Irken such as yourself!" He says as he stands there, hands behind his back.

"Lesser? How exactly am I lesser? I'm taller than you shortcake." This was obvious as Zim had to look up at her, she was only a few inches taller than him, it annoyed him that she would just keep growing and growing everyday. He huffs as he crosses his arms.

"Yeah? Well at least I'm not the one frolicking with the Dib-worm! You're going to expose both of us idiot!" Slight jealousy laced his words, but it was hard to tell by his expression. She felt her lekku's twitch as she stared down at her 'crush'. She didn't really want to involve in an argument right now, especially today.
"If I didn't know any better I'd say you've gotten COMFORTABLE ON THIS PLANET!" He points his finger at her accusingly. She growls, baring her sharp zipper like teeth at him.

"Says the one who's been here for a solid SIX HUMAN YEARS!!" He snarls at her, his lekku's pressing flat against his head. The two started bickering, pointing out key flaws to each other. It started almost casually, but it soon started to get heated as the argument progressed. Spite and hate started to shine through the their voices as the continued, both resisting to get physical.


"Or maybe your too STUPID to conquer them!" Both of them hissed at each other, ready to pounce and break each others faces.

"I'm not the one who's distracting me from the main mission! I think you are setting me up to fail so you can take over the mission for yourself!!"

"AS IF I WANT YOUR LOUSY MISSION, YOURE A DEFECT ANYWAY!" Venom iced her words, she knew she instantly went to far when she saw hurt flash on his face for a mere millisecond. He had growled intimidatingly and narrowed his eyes before he launches at her.

They both toppled to the ground, initiating a very brutal fight. Zim pins her the ground, she kneed him where it hurts. Letting out a yelp of surprise and pain he falls to his side, but one of his PAK legs made sure she stayed down. The sharp end of it cut her shoulder, slicing the clothing and making the cut bleed. The stinging made her wince slightly but she regained her composure when she kicked his face away, almost making one of his eyes pop out. Quickly, [Y/n] hastily put a foot on his back and roughly pulled on both his lekku's. Ouch.
She made sure to twist one of them for good measure before the tables were turned once more. They fought violently, mercilessly. As if all the time spent together leading up to this was thrown out the window and meant absolutely nothing. Zim had bit her arm at one point, and in response she had slapped him across the face.
Scratches and bruises littered both their bodies, and blood was spilled. Harsh insults kept flowing out of them as they fought.

They were too busy entangled in each other to notice Gir click a button for a call.


"You know, isn't it weird that's it's been two weeks and we haven't heard from Invader [Y/n] yet?" Red says as he sips on his drink.

"Heyyyyy, YEAH! That is weird, I was for sure she would call us when she got there!" The two continued to much on snacks as they hover overlooking battle plans for Impending Doom 2.

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