Chapter 10: Aftermath

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"Are you sure about vampire bees?"


"Dib shut up!"

The two were occupied by their dear friend [Y/n], who wore an outfit similar to Gaz. Except her skirt was (f/c). They all headed for school. [Y/n] didn't need her backpack, well technically she had it but if she started randomly pulling things from her PAK Dib would freak out. The sky was a baby blue with very few clouds. Dib and [Y/n] chattered with each other mindlessly, discussing anything on their mind.

"I don't think bees would be out in the open if they were vampires, and how would they pollinate?"

"I don't know, ASK THE BEEEEEEEEES-" She laughs a bit, rolling her holographic (e/c) colored eyes at his dramatic paranoid behavior.

"I can believe Bigfoot but cmon." He huffs, adjusting his glasses a little annoyed. The trio of kids made it to school in no time as they talked. Some of the older kids hung out on the steps and yard, the younger ones filed in the Skool building.

Before [Y/n] could step in, she felt someone grab her wrist firmly. When she turned her head, she met Zim's fake purple plastic eyes.

"..what is it, Zim?" He opens his mouth to say something, but as soon as he did he realizes he didn't have any words to respond with. He stood there, trying to desperately figure out what to say as she stared at him, resisting to question his actions. If he wasn't stuttering out jumbled words trying to form some sort of sentence it would've have been more awkward than what it already was.

"I...uhh-" The bell rung, signaling the start of class. [Y/n]'s face rested into her usual blank expression as soon the bell went off.

"Come on, Bitters is probably the last person you'd want to be late for." She basically dragged him to class, Zim was confused on why his mind went blank. Like, he knew what he was going to say just a few moments ago. Was it one of those effects of that Love thing? Probably.

The two shuffled into the class, both secretly glad that Ms. Bitters didn't say they were late. Either that class just started or didn't start yet. Taking their seats, they waited for the teacher to start talking or something.
Soon, when Ms. Bitters does start talking, eventually [Y/n] let her mind wander for a little bit. She thought about Aro's advice on to think about her feelings every once in a while.
She guessed she felt fine, other than what happened yesterday. She wondered how Zim handled it by himself, although she didn't dwell on it for too long in case she started imagining things. Zim was definitely enticed[1] yesterday. The relationship she had with the invader was confusing.
Sometimes she felt like ripping his eyeballs out, other times she just wanted to cuddle up to him and watch badly written movies. If there's one thing she loved to do in her spare time to was mess with him. In any way, shape or form. His reactions were gold.
Most of the time, however, she didn't really feel at all. Unless she was around Zim. [Y/n] tapped her fingers gently on her desk rhythmically, she looked out the window as thoughts came and went.
Seconds turned to minutes and minutes turned to hours. This process of waiting for the lunch bell was tiring and required a lot of patience. Maybe she should start bringing her GS4 to Skool or something.

When the lunch bell does ring, instant relief from hearing Ms. Bitters rambles was like finally getting that AC after running out in the hot sun for hours. Students exited the room noisily as they starved for food, though there wasn't much to eat anyway. It was chicken and rice day.

Skipping the line, she sat with Gaz, she guessed she should probably give Zim some space to actually form sentences for next time. One of Gaz's eyes opened slightly to look up at the quiet Irken across from her.

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