Chapter 11: Zim, jealousy looks ugly on you

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"I still don't think that-" Aro glitched, as her arms suddenly go loose. The tiny robot lets out a defeated sigh. Tearing up a little while leaning back.

"I-I-I'll never get fixed! It's HOPELESS!!" [Y/n] puts down her wrench as Aro starts crying, the S.I.R Unit started leaving a puddle of oil where she sat. "I'm u-u-useless now! -sob- I can't be a S.I.R Unit and be USELESS!" She wails as she falls back on the table, her head making a loud 'thunk!' noise. Her sobs were quite, and glitchy. Her voice box was all crushed and mangled, so anything she said went muffled or glitched.
  Her master sighs, Aro was extra emotional this time round. Her sentience was basically the only thing allowing her to keep going at this point.

"Just throw me in the scrap pile where I belongggg!"

"Aro, you're not scrap."

"I can't feel my arms! Or my LEGS! I can barely SEE!"

"You're being dramatic."

"That's what they always say!" She can't help but chuckle, Aro silliness shined through a bit. Aro laid there, on the table, sad and hopeless. So far, [Y/n] got her main core working again. Because originally Aro's head was the only thing that survived. Apart for one of her optics being broken.

"What a sad excuse for a S.I.R Unit.." [Y/n] frowns, a bit perplexed on Aros newfound insecurities.

"Now that's no way to talk about yourself. When did that silly idea pop into your head?"

"Master, when you found me I was completely in pieces! Now, I'm just holding on by a circuit! I suck at this!" Her voice strained weakly as a few tears were blinked out. The poor little robot could only move her head from side to side as she looked away. A sad frown drawn on her face.
  She was such an anxious robot. Softly smiling, [Y/n] propped Aro up.

"That's not true. You've been the most helpful since I've gotten here. Don't think about yourself like that. You're doing great Aro."

"Are you sure Master?"

"Positive. Now don't move this might hurt-"



"I don't see where you're going with this."

"Course you don't! You are not as great as i! The amazing ZIIIMMM-" she rolled her eyes what felt like the hundredth time today. The couple were walking down the hallways of the busied Skool, going to their second period was it was the end of the day. Students walked around them, paying no mind to the strange conversation they were having. Now that [Y/n] weren't at each other's throats (for the time being at is it seems) Zim was now convinced she had joined in on his mission.
Or by his words:
"We'll conquer this stupid fifth planet together!"

  She put her hands in her pockets as she leaned against the lockers, she observed some of Zim's features as she listened. The way his voice was so easily recognizable, it must be the way his voice is strained when he emphasized on certain words. Or maybe it was just how funny he sounded in general. He certainly tended to stand out, despite his denial of being 'normal'.
  If you compared Zim to other invaders by the way they look, Zim would easily come out as the cutest. Or hottest. It depends really, Irkens generally all look the same at first glance, but there are some factors that can make others stand out. Height, head size, and eye color usually are the variables that tend to come into play. As for Zim? Well, his head wasn't to large or long, he wasn't too terribly short, maybe an average height, and he had sparkling ruby eyes.
In his disguise, nothing changed much, though she secretly hated how she couldn't see his eyes.
  A sudden sense of someone approaching the pair was felt by her lekku's, they twitched in annoyance. She just want to look at Zim, who needed her attention at this very moment? It better be an emergency.
  What [Y/n] didn't expect was the suddenly slamming of a hand by her left. Great, now some random taller human basically pinned her to this locker. This better be worth her time.
  Zim's words faded as he looked up irritated at the human who interrupted him. He expected Dib, but was surprised by someone who he's never seen before.

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