December’s P.O.V.
Where the hell is he? I pretty sure he always catches the bus. Look at me fussing over some boy I only known for a day. What can I say something draws me to? Hey I know he’s gay and don’t want to turn him back to be straight if he ever was. I’m just saying.
The bus pulled, when I have no clue because I certainly hell wasn’t paying attention. This is going to be one boring ass ride.
Finally, I was first off the bus before anyone could even yell at me for bumping into them. Then throwing myself to the ground and made kissing noises. What? you would too if you had to ride on a bus with freshman, a jackass and other unworthy mentionable and feel alone in a dark despair.
“Dramatic much?” a voice snorted trying to hide their laughter. I looked up to see Rayden and Archer holding hands standing above me. Why are they? Oh right still on the ground.
“For me? Never” I finally got up off the ground and dust myself off. I was about to start walking until I was tackle from behind and landed with and ‘oaf’ sounding coming out.
“Holy crab buckets, it’s been forever since we last hanged out together,” Maddie practically screamed in my ear.
“We hung out yesterday,” I finally got her off me and stood re-dusting myself. Apparently I’m stronger than she is. Hey just because we she knocked me down doesn’t mean she is stronger. It just means I have to start paying a little more attention and be on the lookout for the fairy ninja’s.
“So on that happy note, did anyone see Zeke around yet?”
“No,” Rayden,”Wait doesn’t he catch the bus with you?”
“Well wouldn’t he be on it?”
“Yeah, but he wasn’t on it today?” i was trying to hide the worry in voice. I hope they don’t notice.
“Why do you care so much? You only met him yesterday,” a slimy voice spoke from behind me. I don’t know how a voice can be slimy, but his sure can.
“Well?” I was about to turn around ready to throw a punch at my no good for nothing jackass of a cousin, but quickly decided against. Why?
Well for one thing: he’s bigger and taller than me, second; would not hesitate to hit me, third; could it be any more obvious we can’t stand each other. The only time we can get along is when he’s not being such a pompous ass, which is very rare.
“Why do you like to make my life your own personal hell?” I clenched my hand into a fist, trying to maintain my cool.
“Cause I know it irritates you,” I know he’s smirking without having to turn around.
“Come on man lay off a little?” Hopper sounded bored with this all. It was like he lost some of his happy go-lucky charms. Usually he and Rayden are the hyper ones in this weird little group. The one I seem to be fitting with at this moment, but not completely though. Weird I know. And it usually takes Hopper awhile to act normal around new people because he doesn’t trust them, at first. But everyone was surprise when he acted normal around me.I only know this info because Rayden and Maddie were being my little info guide.
“Maybe he’s sick,” Maddie was trying to put my mind at ease. Not working.
“Let’s head into class maybe he’s there?” she suggested.

Life is Complicated *BoyxBoy*
Genç Kurgu(Use to be called 'How Did My Life Get So Complicated?" but figured it was too long and decided to shorten it and give a different description than it was before). Zeke's life was that of a simple nerd who liked being in the background unnoticed an...