2. Take A Hike

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"At least a few persons' distance away from me." I pleaded.

I had told Minhee to stop following me, and it was for one blissful moment I forgot he would be going to the same school as me for a month as to not 'fall behind' in his academics.

What a load of bull crap that was!

Oh, but he was certainly happy to remind me that we were going to the same place.

'What's yours is now mine. Just accept it.'

Well, it may be true, for now, but I don't have to accept it, Kang Minhee!

"I can walk on the other side of the street, if that will help." I can hear the attitude in his tone. I tilt my head back at an angle to look up at him.

"Could you? Thanks!" I plastered on a fake smile before twisting my neck to face forward again. "Did you really have to dress up as 'mr.prep school' or is it just your lack of fashion sense?"

He was wearing a formal button down with a tie, dress pants and shoes, and a navy blue jacket to top it all off.

Minhee normally goes to a top-tier private school with the rest of his 'upper-class' confidantes. However now he'll be attending my barely above average, second-rate high school.

There was no uniform for my school, so I wasn't exactly sure why he was wearing that.

"I prefer to be presentable in front of my new classmates, thank you very much."

"Look," I stop walking, he does the same and turns towards me, "it's enough that you have a face that screams east sider, but now also the clothes. You're not making this any easier on yourself."

He looks off to the side for a moment.

"Or me for that matter," I add.

He stands there debating in his mind. A breeze picks up and blows and tosses his hair around.

"And what's with the blonde hair? You look like an idol."

He tilts his head to the side. One side of his lips pulling up. "You think so?" He asks, smugly. He's always so self-assured, which isn't a bad thing except that it annoys the hell out of me.

There's nothing more I would love to do than to put pampered Kang Minhee in his place.

"Oops, did that come out as a compliment? It was supposed to be condescending. My bad."

He smiles one of his big smiles that reach to his eyes. I can't help but smile too.

We have known each other for such a long time. And in spite of the fact we bicker a lot, we actually are pretty close. One of those 'similar in age so we should stick together' situations. And if you don't spend time together, family will make sure you do.

There was no escaping Kang Minhee.

Not in my life.

"So what are we going to do about this?" Minhee gestures to his outfit.

I take a deep breath and look him over.

"Lose the jacket and the tie. And maybe roll up your sleeves, I don't know." He starts following through on my suggestions. "There's nothing we can do about those shoes though."

The fancy black leather shoes stood out. It's like you can tell they're expensive just by looking at them.

"You like? Italian leather." He gives me a little smirk. His eyes shone with humor.

I know that despite his family's wealth, Minhee couldn't care less about materialistic things. He'd be just as happy wearing a cheap pair of running shoes.

"Not as much as my Louboutins and Jimmy Choos." He nods, satisfied with my response.

We both know my parents couldn't afford to buy me luxury shoes even if I wanted them.

"Let's go," he urges me to continue on our leisurely walk to school.

𝖷1 𝖨𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌Where stories live. Discover now