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The two sisters walked into the school side-by-side, showing their unity in their sisterhood, the bond they shared since birth, the assurance that whatever came their way that day they would deal with it together. Well, for at least five seconds. Both girls splitting off into separate directions, not planning on talking with each other for the entirety of the day.

The school that the girls went to happened to be a private one. Which meant uniforms. Ellie easily found her way around them. Constantly substituting the formal skirt and dress shirt for the more comfortable gym clothes; sweatpants, t-shirt, and a hoodie. Plus, with added hair pulled back she was set for whatever the school day threw at her.

She retrieved her things from her locker without second thought. The action had become habitual to her after having done it every day for the past six and a half years. And only changing lockers once when switching from the middle school building to the high school building.

All things gathered, Ellie made her way down the hall through the occasional groups of people. Readjusting her books she almost slams right into someone.

"Jesus!" She quickly steps back.

Her light brown eyes lift up to meet Hangyul's dark, annoyed ones. Her breathing stopped for a moment as her mind went blank. A couple of the books begin to slip out of her grip from the abrupt stop.

"Watch where you're going," is all he says. Hands reached out to set the books back in place in her arms. And then he walks away. His words weren't that condescending and his even tone didn't indicate any aggravation, but still Ellie got flustered and felt the need to snap back.

"Maybe you should... watch where you're going." It was no use. Hangyul was already at the other end of the hall.

Ellie internally scolded herself. Why was it only around him that she struggled with her snarky comments. He made her tongue tied and not in a good way.

"Don't let him get to you. The whole cold image is a front." A girl a couple feet away said. Her dirty blonde hair and light eyes all too familiar to Ellie.

"Yeah, I'm sure." She replied with the roll of her eyes. "Dude has some people problems."

"If you say so," the girl says with a shrug and walks away. Why couldn't people just mind their own business? Sure, Anne was an old family friend but it wasn't like they were close anymore. She should just stay out of it. Ellie continued on her way to class.


Jackie let out a loud sneeze onto the sleeve of her school jacket. She grimaced at the sight. Pulling out a tissue from her pocket she attempted to wipe her nose and sleeve. Meanwhile her friends stared at her in concern. "Will you be okay for practice today?" Kat, one of her best friends asked her. She nodded slightly while scrunching her eyebrows. She set the tissue back in to her pocket.

"I think so."

Her friend group, mostly those from cheer, gathered in the main foyer before class like many of the other students. It was a great way to greet everyone and chat with friends before having to focus on studying and other boring things.

"Pete should have drove you home, why didn't he?" Lauren asked. She flicked her auburn hair to the side.

"You know him. Always wanting to get a good nights sleep before a morning practice. It's that dedication that makes him such a good team player." Jackie boasted her boyfriend. The group of friends nodded their heads but still glanced at each other. There always seemed something off about Peter, but they never wanted to hurt their friend's feelings. Best friends know best.

𝖷1 𝖨𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌Where stories live. Discover now