3. First Day Might As Well Be The Last

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I was peacefully enjoying my lunch when:

"You didn't tell me that you had an east side boyfriend!" A loud voice exclaims while someone sat down in front of me. It was Seoyeon, my best friend. She loves gossip. So I'm sure my little entrance with the 'cute new, rich east side' guy this morning excited her.

"Minhee is not my boyfriend," I clarify, taking another bite of my food.

"Well that's not what everyone else is saying," she tells me while getting out her lunch.

I groan internally, knowing that this would happen. I have an idea who 'everyone' is.

"Let me guess. Kyungmi told you that?"

"She told everyone that you two are in an illicit relationship against your parents' wishes."

"Of course she did." My eyes roll to the side.

What was that girl's problem?

"Minhee is like an old family friend. An annoying, old family friend." I moved my food around my plate.

"Family friend or not, he's really cute," Seoyeon states delightedly. I give her a 'gross' look.

Minhee could be so aggravating sometimes, honestly I wonder if he'll ever find someone to deal with him long enough for a second date much less for life.

My best friend's head twists to the side and a gleeful countenance takes over her face.

"And he's coming this way!"

I look over to see Minhee walking into the cafeteria. He was laughing with a group of guys that I somewhat recognized. I briefly watch the exchange between the cluster of people. A few girls joined in on the welcome parade.

My school was weird. They usually didn't like the pompous wealthy kids from the east, but it probably was just envy.

The ones who harbored the most envy were the popular kids that went to my school. Because deep down they knew that if the east siders went here they would be more popular.

Money not only goes a long way in life but also in high school.

You got to just love it!

My attention goes back to my food. I can't think about all this now while I'm eating. Rumors and drama will have to wait until math class when I have time to be brain dead.

"Ji Ji, this school is awesome! Everyone loves me!"

Minhee shook my shoulders before sitting next to me.

I let out a sigh. My eyes dart to him.

"How could anyone not love you?" I question sarcastically.

"I know right?" He responds.

I can feel his eyes on me as I continue to eat. Seoyeon clears her throat in an attempt to gain the attention of the both of us.

"Oh, my apologies. I'm Kang Minhee," he introduces himself to the girl. He gave her a polite smile.

"Rhee Seoyeon," She said bowing her head.

They had some small chat. The preliminary conversation between two people that just met.

Minutes later Minhee goes to snag a bite of my food. Quickly, I try to slap his hand away but unfortunately fail.

"Why don't you eat your own food?"

"I didn't bring a lunch."

"Then just buy one."

Minhee leans forward and folds his arms on the table, head turned to look at me.

"Why would I do that when I can share this perfectly good lunch with you?"

I huff and slide the container with my food towards him.

"Well now it's tainted so you can have it." I go to stand up.

"Where are you going?" He asks.

I cross my arms. "To buy a new lunch."

His eyebrows raise and he leans to grab something from his pocket. Suddenly he tosses it to me.

"Here," he says.

I barely catch it, fumbling it a couple times.

It was his wallet.

That's one good thing I can say about Minhee, he's very generous. Because the money means almost nothing to him, giving it away was easy.

I'm not one to accept handouts but for some reason I felt that if I declined it would turn into a ruthless back and forth between Minhee and I to the point where I get angry and flustered.

And that's not exactly something I want Seoyeon and/or the rest of the school to bear witness to.

Instead of thanking him I just give him a curt nod.

He gives me a tight lipped smile.

𝖷1 𝖨𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌Where stories live. Discover now