6. Here's To The Future

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Once on the university campus, the chaperones let us wander at our own leisure.

There were booths for all different areas of study. There were many activities to do. Several sports games for the physical education department, along with different talks by the heads of each department.

I should be excited but I'm not.

"What's up with you?" Minhee finally asks.

We had been walking around the campus for an hour now, since Seoyeon excitedly went to the nursing department talk.

The two of us, went to each booth briefly. Nothing was capturing my attention.

"Nothing, what do you mean?"

Minhee stopped me from walking away gently with his hand. His brown eyes looked me over. His hair slightly covering his forehead.

He really dressed to impress today. In a nice suit, you could almost mistake him for a university professor from afar.

Whereas I was in jeans, a simple top and a basic sweatshirt.

"You've always been excited to go to university and now we're here and you look as if you're sitting at the table during 'adult talk'."

We had shared that same burden when we were younger. Being stuck at the dinning table, not excused, and forced to listen to the adults discuss the stock market and current events.

"I don't know," I say truthfully. I wrap myself more up in my sweatshirt. "I thought I would be certain about my future by now, but I know nothing."

Minhee nodded along as if he understood. He couldn't. His path was set for him since the moment he was born.

"C'mon." He ushers me up the stairs.

Bored with the booths we decided to explore the buildings. Right now we were in the sciences building.

We pass by a large group of students our age heading towards one direction. I peered at the sign on the wall that had 'medicine' on it.

"There's your group," I tell Minhee, "you should probably go with them."

He lets out a sigh then shakes his head. "Maybe later," he says solemnly.


"Yeah, it's not that important. Besides," he swings his arm around my shoulders, "I can't leave you all by yourself."

Minhee gives me one of those big smiles. I just scoff and shrug his arm off.

"Stop, with the whole 'gentleman' act. There's no one around," I spread my arms out and gesture all around us. We reached a section of the building open to the outdoors.

The sun shone across Minhee's face lighting up his features. His eyes a much lighter brown and his slightly faded blonde hair shining.

"Who says it's an act?" He goes to lean on a railing.

"I know you. You've always hated the formalities of life. You don't have to bother with me."

He looks at me inquisitively.

"You think you have me all figured out?" Suddenly he can't look me in the eyes, instead settling on staring into the distance.

I clutch onto the railing, thinking for a moment. There was something bugging me. Seemed like the best opportunity to ask.

"Why are you so hesitant with studying medicine? Don't you want to follow in your parents' footsteps?"

He always seemed content with the idea of becoming a great doctor and making his parents proud.

Minhee fiddles with his fingers. "I used to, but I'm not sure anymore." He gives me a sideways glance.

A soft breeze blows past us.

"What do you want to do?" I ask. Curiosity got the best of me.

He had to have a plan. Kang Minhee wasn't one to go into things blind sighted.

"I don't know," he lies.

I don't know why he bothers. He must know I know he's lying. Yet he's not going to admit it.

My eyebrows furrow and I look away.

A minute or two goes by.

"Jiah," Minhee begins, his hand covers mine. My breath halts for a second at his sudden action.

"Jiah! Minhee! There you guys are," Seoyeon's voice pierces through the air.

Minhee takes a couple steps away from me.

Whatever little tension that took place several seconds ago dissipates.

𝖷1 𝖨𝗆𝖺𝗀𝗂𝗇𝖾𝗌 𝖺𝗇𝖽 𝖲𝗁𝗈𝗋𝗍 𝖲𝗍𝗈𝗋𝗂𝖾𝗌Where stories live. Discover now